Good morning. As we continue today, we are going to look at another misconception about Christianity. We have already looked at the misconceptions about Baptism, and Christianity being Boring. And today we will be looking at a third misconception about Christianity.
What Does The Bible Offer That I Need? How is it relevant?
Two of our greatest presidents said some pretty important statements about the Bible. George Washington said, “It is impossible to righteously govern the world without God and the Bible.” President Ronald Reagan said, “Within the covers of one single book, the Bible, are all the answers to all the problems that face us today—if only we would read and believe.”
How many of you here today own at least 1 Bible in your home? How many of you have more than 1 Bible in your home? If you asked most Americans today you would find that the majority of them own at least one Bible. As a matter of fact 93% own at least one Bible. Even though it has been on the bestseller list for quite some time it is the book most likely to stay on a bookshelf. Pollster George Gallup Jr. found after numerous surveys that only 4 in 10 Americans know that Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount. A majority of citizens cannot name the four Gospels of the New Testament. Only 3 in 10 teenagers know why Easter is celebrated. Two-thirds of Americans believe there are few, if any, absolute principles to direct human behavior. Now what is sad, is that these beliefs are not held just by those who do not profess a faith in Jesus Christ.
Nearly half of “born again” Christians deny the existence of the Holy Spirit and a real Satan. 1 in 5 Christians denies Jesus’ resurrection and believes he was a sinner. All of these statistics were discovered by George Gallop Jr.
So why is the Bible a best selling book but no one wants to read it? A common reasons why Christians and non-Christians aren’t interested in reading the Bible is simple.
They feel that it isn’t relevant for us today.
Most people who use this as an argument against the Bible have probably never read it. What will one find when they read the Bible? You will find romance when you read the Bible. You will find out how to handle your finances in the Bible. You will find out about the purpose of your life in the Bible. You will find out how to treat your kids. You will find out how to treat your parents. You will find out what to look for in a spouse. You will find out what to look for in a friend. It is relevant. But we have to look at the Bible as a road map. A map tells you how to get to a certain destination. But just looking at a map won’t automatically get you to Albuquerque or Albania. Getting to those places requires effort and investment on your part. You have to follow the map in order to reach your destination.
If you will turn with me to II Timothy 3:10-17, we will be looking at the misconception that Christianity is irrelevant. Here in II Timothy 3:10-17 it says, “1”
The key verses there for today are verses 16-17. In these 2 verses again it says, “1”
The story is told of a college professor who visited the islands of Fiji. An agnostic, he critically remarked to an elderly chief, “You are a great leader, but it’s a pity you’ve been taken in by those foreign missionaries. They only want to get rich through you. No one believes the Bible anymore. People are tired of that story of Christ dying on a cross for their sins. They know better now. I’m sorry you’ve been so foolish as to accept their story.”
The old chief’s eyes flashed as he answered, “Do you see that great rock over there? On it we used to smash the heads of our victims. And there,” he said, pointing, “notice the furnace next to the rock? It was in that oven that we formerly roasted the bodies of our enemies before we ate them. if it hadn’t been for those good missionaries and the love of Jesus that changed us form cannibals into Christians, you’d never leave this place alive! You’d better thank the Lord for the gospel, otherwise, we’d already be feasting on you. If it weren’t for the Bible, we’d be having you for supper!”
If we follow what the Bible has to offer, it is very relevant and it can change us for the good.
The word Relevant means “Logically connected with, and important to the matter in hand; appropriate, germane, pertinent.”
To some the Word of God and the Church of Jesus Christ do not always seem “Logically connected” or “important to the matter in hand.” They may be logical to the believer, but not to the unbeliever. Consider Isaiah’s words in Isaiah 55:6-11. Here in Isaiah 55:6-11 says, “2”
In the January, 1966 edition of an American journal called The Christian Century, the editor wrote of receiving a small “assemble it yourself” package by mail. After spending an hour in frustration trying to put the pieces together, he discovered in the box a message from the manufacturer. Printed on a neat, white card were the words, “If all else fails, follow the directions.”
Most in our generation today are puzzled, bewildered and confused, not knowing the way to worthwhile living. Now comes the question, “Whose directions are we to follow?” Men once took their directions from the Bible. However, over the past forty years, our nation has all but abandoned this trustworthy resource. As a result, we are still reaping the bitter fruits that come from neglecting God’s counsel!
In the 1960s the Supreme Court ruled that prayer and Bible reading in public schools violated the Constitution. They prohibited the teaching of Creationism and replaced it with the theory of evolution. They removed God’s standard of truth and instead gave children the responsibility of determining right and wrong on their own.
As we enter week #3 of the “Misconceptions About Christianity” series, we will address the question, “Are The Bible And Church Relevant Today?”
Any church that is founded upon the sound teaching of the Word of God is as relevant today as the Bible is. The church is a place where we learn 1) what God’s Word says and 2) how to apply those Biblical principles in our lives.
The problem today is that most come to church for the music, or the social time, rather than the message. We’ve become more concerned about programs than we are about progress in our spiritual lives. We welcome comfort and convenience, rather than conviction and confession. People would rather have their “ears tickled”, than to be confronted with the truth of the Scriptures. The problem lies not in the Content of the Word of God, but in the Complacency of our society!
So Let’s look at "Four Reasons Why People Do Not Think The Bible and The Church Are Relevant Today."
First, They Regard Worldly Philosophy As Being Superior To God’s Word.
The world denies the existence of God and the importance of God’s Word. They disregard the necessity of having a personal relationship with God and faith in Jesus Christ. As a result, our society has established temporal means to pursue what they hope will produce lasting fulfillment. They seek Secular Education which denies the existence of God. They have shallow relationships with others.
There is sexual promiscuity all around our society. Drugs and Alcohol are used as a means to fulfill people, rather than turning to something better. It is viewed that if you have money then you have all that you need, and if not you can buy it. Power is viewed as a fulfillment. And if you have many possessions, then you have it all.
The only problem is that none of these things can give you lasting joy, peace, or happiness! When you rely on these things to fulfill you, you are constantly searching for more. When you attempt to fill up on these things, they only leave a God shaped void in your life!
Second, We Have Disregarded The Ten Commandments.
God never intended these to be "The Ten Suggestions"
Consider some of then with me this morning:
- Have No Other God’s Before Me- The gods of our day are materialism, gratification, education, entertainment, and pleasure. Our jobs often become our god. Be careful not to give good things priority over God in your life. Not to mention, we have various religions and cults that vary from the clear teaching of Scripture today. We must be careful not to put other things before God in our lives.
- Shall Not Take God’s Name In Vain
First, we can’t watch television programs or movies that don’t blaspheme or mock God. Second, listen to how people speak in the workplace or even within our families. And third, our Nation has no Fear of God, nor Respect for God! We hear God’s name taken in vain daily.
- You Shall Honor Your Father And Mother
The first problem is that we have gotten away from God’s word concerning Husband and wife relationships and that has affected the Parent/Child relationships. Many parents are, either too busy, too selfish, or too ignorant about their parental responsibilities to be good parents. In addition, children are taught to disrespect authority today. They are told to take their parents to court or have them arrested. It doesn’t "Take a Village" to effectively raise a child. It takes a father and mother committed to raising their children with the love and discipline outlined in the Word of God.
- You Shall Not Kill
People kill people everyday and for no good reason. The Bible is relevant in the fact that it says to not kill. Just think of how better off our country would be, if we read the words and obeyed them. This can be linked to many things. No value of human life, no fear of God, No concern for eternal retribution, people are plain evil and wicked.
- You Shall Not Commit Adultery, Steal, Bear False Witness or Covet
Adultery is rampant in our society. People steal from their employers, from the government, from strangers and from God. Shoplifter, embezzler, tax cheats, plagiarizer, Enron Executives… all steal. People bear false witness, make false accusations, slander and lie. Coveting is what leads to dissatisfaction and debt. We just have to have it, at any cost. Had we read the Bible and lived by it, just think of how much better the world would be. Yes the Bible is still relevant today.
When you raise a generation of people without regard to these eternal truths, is it any surprise that they grow up devoid of morals?
Third, We Have Ignored The Sound Teaching Of Scripture.
God’s Word has much to say about living in today’s World!
Relationships: According to Genesis, God created the family… could anyone else possibly know better how it should operate than the one who created it?
- Husband & Wife – Ephesians 5:22-33 speaks about this relationship.
Wives Submit - Ephesians 5:22-24 says, “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.”
Husbands Love - Ephesians 5:25-28 – “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.”
Is God’s Word relevant? You better believe it is! Some may say, “No way!” But look at what has happened to the family since abandoning God’s way of doing things. The record speaks for itself!
-How about the Parent and Child relationship – Ephesians 6:1-4 talks about children obeying their parents and fathers not provoking them. That sounds pretty relevant doesn’t it?
Children - Obey and respect your parents - You will be blessed.
Fathers - Don’t provoke to anger, but love them, encourage them, train them, discipline them.
- Scripture talks about self-esteem - If you don’t know what the Bible says about you, you may not feel that your life is really worth very much! All human life is valuable to God! Created in the image of God - Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
We are Wonderfully Made – In Psalm 139:14 it says, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.”
We are loved by God, in I John 4:10 it says, “In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins.”
- The Bible Talks About Money and Possessions – It urges you, Don’t waste your life in pursuit of these things! Life Does Not Consist Of What We Possess – In Luke 12:15 it says “And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.”
Riches Can Be A Temptation And Snare - 1 Timothy 6:9 says “But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition.”
What Good Are Things If You Lose Your Soul? - Mark 8:36 says, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?”
So, the Bible is very relevant and it discusses many of the things that we still face today.
Over the past 40 years, America has basically told God not to interfere with our legal system, the education of our children, with our government, or our communities. We don’t want or need His blessing or His protection! Yet, when planes hit the WTC, it’s all His fault!
When a nation says to God, "Leave us alone and let us live the way we want to," what do you expect? It’s not what He is doing, it is what we are not doing.
In Our Daily Bread there was a story that applies here. “READ DAILY BREAD”
The key for today is that we need to get back to recognizing the Bible and the Church as being not only relevant, but necessary if our society is going to survive and thrive! It may not be wrapped in the way that we want expect, but it is relevant and applicable yet today.
Let’s pray
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