Good evening. Tonight we are going to continue and finish up our look at the book of Matthew. Now chapter 27 is a rather long chapter, but chapter 28 is really short. So we should be able to finish things up in one meeting. And then next week we will begin something new.
Before we get started tonight, let’s open with a word of prayer. Let’s Pray!
As we start, have you ever had a time in life when you wished that you could have erased something that you had said or done? If so, explain a little.
Well, as we take a look at this first section of chapter 27, we see that Judas began to regret a decision that he had made earlier. So whoever has the first key, go ahead and read that for us at this time please. (READ 1-10)
Why do you think that Judas is suddenly seized with remorse?
Was he maybe expecting a different outcome?
Both Peter and Judas caved in under pressure, yet history has treated them differently. Why?
Does anyone have anything that hey would like to add before we move on?
Okay, if that is all, we will take a look at the next little section of chapter 27. To start, tell me of a time that you have been in a wild crowd?
As we progress and take a look at this next section, we see Jesus in front of a pretty wild crowd. In fact, it is a crowd that wants to see Jesus put to death. Whoever has the next key, go ahead and read that please. (READ 11-26)
At this time in history, it was against Roman law to proclaim yourself as king. It was considered to be treason. The punishment was to be death. What does this tell us about what the Roman’s view of kingdom was?
What is Pilate’s motive in offering the crowd a prisoner exchange?
How concerned is Pilate that Jesus is innocent, and how does he show that?
Have you ever gone along with the crowd, only to regret it later?
With whom do you identify the most with from this story: Jesus, Pilate, Pilate’s Wife, The Crowd, The Chief Priests, or Barabbas? And why?
Does anyone have anything to add here before we move on?
Well, if there is nothing else, let’s move on to our next section. In this next section we are going to read about the soldiers mocking Jesus, and Jesus’ crucifixion. So whoever has the next key, they can go ahead and read that now. (READ 27-44)
Why were the soldiers so cruel in this case?
Why do you think Jesus needed Simon’s help?
For what “official” reason is Jesus crucified (v. 37)?
What groups of people taunted Jesus?
In what way does the agony of these insults deepen your appreciation of what Christ did for you in His death?
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we move on?
Alright then, let’s go ahead and finish chapter 27. Before we do that, tell me what the biggest funeral was that you have ever attended?
Well, as we finish this last section off, we will be reading about the death of Jesus, the burial of Jesus, and the guards at the tomb. So whoever has the next 2 keys, go ahead and read them for us please. (READ 45-56, 57-66)
Why does Jesus cry our in verse 46?
What is the significance of each of the supernatural events accompanying Jesus’ death? (darkness, curtain tearing from top to bottom, earth shook, rocks split, tombs break open and dead people come out)
In asking for the body of Jesus, what risks is Joseph taking with Pilate and the Sanhedrin?
By posting the guards at the tomb, do the leaders really believe that Jesus will rise again? Or do they think that His disciples will come and steal His body?
How do you explain the necessity of Jesus’ death to a nonbeliever?
At this time, allow me to go ahead and read for you what the commentary has to say about Matthew chapter 27. It says, (READ COMMENTARY)
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add about chapter 27 before we move on?
Well, if there is nothing else, let’s go ahead and take a look at the last chapter tonight as well. Before we dive in to this chapter, answer me this: Of “All the news that’s fit to print,” what sections of the newspaper do you usually read first?
Well, in our last section of chapter 27, we would find that in the obituary section. But in this next section, I believe that it would be the front page story! But instead the religious leaders decide to cover it up. Whoever has the next 2 keys, go ahead and read them. (READ 1-10, 11-20)
Well, after Jesus was crucified, the Jewish religious leaders persuaded the Roman governor to make sure that the tomb was sealed and guarded. Despite this, Jesus couldn’t be kept in the tomb! He arose and appeared to his followers and many others.
Of all the people in this story, which one would you most like to interview for a news story about the resurrection?
How do you think the women must have felt as they were on their way to the tomb?
How about after they see the angel sitting on the rolled back stone?
Why did the chief priests and the elders want to spread the rumor that Jesus’ disciples had come and stolen the body of Jesus?
Upon seeing the resurrected Jesus, how do His very own disciple respond (V. 17)?
Why is there still doubt?
What difference does the resurrection of Christ make in your everyday life?
What is the central command that Jesus gives His disciples?
In what ways can you fulfill the Great Commission?
At this time, let me go ahead and read for you what the commentary as to say about chapter 28. It says, (READ COMMENTARY)
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we close?
If there is nothing else, answer me this one last question from the book of Matthew: what is the biggest thing that you can think of that you have learned from this discussion of the book of Matthew?
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