Quality Verses Quantity


Good evening.  Tonight we are going to continue in our series that takes a look at getting the most out of life.  Tonight, the title of our discussion is “Quality verses Quantity.”  Now before we get started this evening, allow me to ask you a question.


What do you think are some of the things that cause problems in marriages?


Well, as we begin tonight, allow me to start this tonight’s clip, and here at the beginning, it starts with a skit that has to do with what our topic is for tonight.


(PLAY CLIP (just the skit - about 5 min.)


Well, obviously, tonight we are going to be talking about finances.  So, if I were to take a look at your check book, or your credit card bills, or other receipts, what would I find you to be spending most of your money on?


About what percentage of you income would you say that you spend in any way?  (Offering, bills, cost of living, etc.)


Well, tonight Andy will begin what will be a 2 week look at our finances.  Before we take a look at his sermon, allow me to begin with a word of prayer.  Let’s Pray!


(PLAY CLIP (it is about 40 minutes))


Well, tonight, Andy gave us just a little bit of an intro into the idea of finding financial margin.  When he was talking about financial limits and financial margin, he said that we all live on a percentage of our income.  He also said that most of us don’t even know what that is.  And that we always think that if we had just a little extra money, everything would be better for us.


But the sad truth is, the more money we have, the more money we generally spend.  When you get a bonus, you go out and buy something that you want.  When you get a raise, finally, you can go and buy that new car.  We always feel as if we are in need of more money, no matter how much we make.  But the fact of the matter is, we make so much money compared to others, that we should have a grin on our faces because we are better off financially than most of the people in the world.


The issue is margin.  If you don’t have financial margin in your life, you have tension.  Then Andy gave us a couple of definitions to the idea of financial margin.  He said that financial margin was, “The cash sources minus the cash uses.”  Also he said that it was, “The amount of money that you have left to spend as you desire after living expenses and mandatory commitments are met.”


As we have learned all through this series, God wants to lead us to a life of margin in every area of our lives.  And when it comes to financial margin, God wants us to be there because good things happen when there is margin in your life.  As you surrender you finances to God, He is going to lead you to the place of margin financially.

Now, what Andy said usually happens is that as income increases, our spending increases as well.  Money comes in, and money goes out.  So, as we think about that,


Why do people tend to spend as much as they make?


Well, Andy also said that for many people, their spending is actually greater than their income.  Because of credit cards and other aspects, we spend more than we make.  And what that means, is that it is going to be even more difficult to find margin in our finances.


If income and spending are equal to each other, not only is there tension, but if your income decreases for any reason, you have a major problem financially.  The goal is for margin.  The goal is that you have more money coming in, than you have going out.  You want margin in between your income and your spending.  That way when problems with your income happen, you have margin and you should be okay.


The issue with financial margin is not income, it is lifestyle.  It is all about the way that you are living, and not the amount of money that you are making.  So the question is, “Is the quest for stuff robbing you of your margin financially?”


After listening to Andy tonight, we lean that when you don’t have financial margin 2 things happen.  One, you rob yourself.  And secondly, you rob God.


You rob yourself of the ability of accomplishing any of your financial goals.  You cannot plan for the future or begin getting out of debt.  You rob yourself of paying for things in the future that you cannot afford now.  We rob ourselves financially, emotionally, relationally, and believe that all of that causes us to rob ourselves spiritually as well.


Its not “only if we would make more.”  It is “only if we would spend less.”


Also, you rob God by not having margin because you then cannot help Him, the church, or others in a way that glorifies God.  When you rob God financially, you shove God out of the area of finances in your life.  But God says that that kind of thinking will lead you to the edge.  Then when we are at the limit we go to God and He says to surrender it all to Him.


Why do we wait until we’re in trouble to seek God’s help?


Let me read for you the text that Andy used tonight.  He read from Malachi 3:7-12.  In that passage it says, “1”


Here is the principle: giving (not the left overs)(but before the money is spent on me) breaks the power of money and greed in a person’s life.  All throughout both the Old and the New Testament, God says to put Him first.  Here is how this principle works: you begin giving before you have margin.  As we squeeze our financial margins in, we squeeze God out.

Now, as we move on, Andy asked the question, I want to ask that question of you.  What is the relationship between financial margin and giving to God?


Well, Andy said that when he asked some financial leaders that question that they said, “Yes, there was a relation in the two.  In giving it is planned giving that God uses to break the power of money in a person’s life.  The only way to see God work in your finances is to give to God first.


(Tell about Nellie and myself.  Always giving even from a young age.)


Now, many people may look at us and think that we have margin financially.  But, why do we have margin?  The answer is simple.  It is because we have chosen that!!!  If you want financial margin in your life, you need to choose that.


The best way to start giving God control of you finances is to give to Him first.  Each month I give my offering at the first of the month…


When you have margin, you are better off, His kingdom is better off, you family is better off, everything is better off when you have financial margin.





Now, before we close this evening, allow me to ask you a few more discussion questions.


Have you ever felt like you were under a curse financially?


In which area of your finances (spending or income) is it the most difficult for you to trust God?


What are the benefits of financial margin?


Well, before we close this evening, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?


Well, if there is nothing else, I would encourage you to take Andy’s advice and do his little homework assignment.  And that was to go home and decide what percentage of your income you are living on?  A good way to do that is to make up a budget, and see just where the money is going, and if any of those areas could use a change.  But we will take another look next time at finding financial margin.


Let’s Pray!


About Me:
I am a 2006 graduate from Kentucky
Christian University with a major in
Preaching, and a minor in Youth
Ministry. It was in college that I met,
fell in love with, and eventually
married my best friend, and now
my wife, Nellie. I am currently
serving as the Senior Minister of
the Fly Branch Church of Christ in
Vanceburg Kentucky, where I have
been for the past five adn a half
years. I began my ministry at Fly
Branch as the Youth Minister in my
second year of College. After a
short time there became the need
for me to fill the Senior Ministry
position, and God blessed me to be
able to do that. Ever since then, I
have been preaching God’s word
both to the adults, and with the
assistance of my wife, to the youth
as well. My future plans are to follow
God in whatever direction He leads
me and my family.
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