Easter Sunday
Good morning.
During a holiday vacation to Israel, a man’s mother-in-law tragically passed away. She was in Israel on vacation with the family, so they faced the difficulty of making funeral arrangements for her in a foreign country. The morgue in Israeli explained that the body could be sent back to America at a cost of $10,000, or she could be buried in an Israeli cemetery for just $200.
Upon hearing that information, the son-in-law quickly decided to have his mother-in-law shipped home for burial. “Yes sir, but are you sure about that?” asked the morgue official. “It is very expensive to ship her back.”
“I know, I know,” says the son-in-law. “But over 2 thousand years ago they buried a guy here and 3 days later He rose from the dead. I just can’t take that chance!”
Well, now that I have your attention, during the service this morning, we are going to be taking a look at the nails of the cross. And just what are the nails of the cross, you may ask. Well, stick with me for a moment and you will see. In our time together, we will take a look at scripture, and be involved in an activity. It is designed to help us enter more deeply into the meaning of Easter.
As you came in, everyone was given a nail with a piece of red ribbon attached to it. I want you to hold on to those 2 items during the remainder of the service, and if you didn’t get one, there are some extras up here that you can get a little later.
So, I want to share some of the nails that went into the cross. These are the things that many of us are guilty of, and yet we don’t realize that we were there at the cross when Jesus was crucified. It was because of our sins that Jesus went to the cross in the first place. So let’s take a look at the nails of the cross.
I think a great starting point would be to look at the big 10. No, I’m not talking about he conference that Ohio State plays in, I’m talking about the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses. We begin in Exodus chapter 20, and starting in verse 1 it says, “1-2”
And here comes number 1 and number 2 – “3-6”
Now I am pretty sure that none of us here today have any other gods that we follow. You probably don’t have any statues in your homes that you spend time praying to and worshiping. However, there are some things that we tend to put ahead of God. We allow ourselves to give them more priority in our lives then they deserve.
We may not have statues made of wood or gold, but we have things like money, popularity, possessions, careers, and the list goes on, of things that we have allowed to become our gods in one way or another.
So, when we allow that to happen, weather we realize it or not, we are hammering that nail deeper and deeper into the cross. So, let’s just summarize these first 2 with one word, “Idols.”
Let’s read on. “7”
We always hear people tell us not to us the Lord’s name in vain. However, its surprising how many people don’t see anything wrong with saying things like, “Oh my God.” and other thins that take the Lord’s name in vain. The plain and simple of it, if you are not talking to, or about God, then you don’t need to use His name.
But while we are on this topic, I believe we can also apply this to our speech in general. What is it that comes out of your mouths? Is it foul language, bad jokes, or other things that would displease God? I think this command simply address our speech. When we allow things to come out of our moths that are offensive, or foul, we are hammering another nail into the cross.
Let’s just summarize this nail with the word, “Speech.”
Continuing on. “8-11”
Here, we are told to remember the Sabbath. Now most people will tell you that this is the only command that is no longer in effect.
However, I think the root of this command was to cause people to take a break, and spend time with God. So, I would go so far as to say that when we avoid our relationship with God, we are putting another nail into the hands and feet of Jesus.
Let’s use the words, “Lack Of Relationship” to summarize this commandment.
Next, “12”
Honor your father and your mother. Not to take away from the importance of honoring your parents, but I believe there is a deeper command behind this. Your parents are your first encounter with authority, and I believe that God is saying that we need to show respect to those in authority. It may be a parent, a teacher, a boss, and so on. But whoever it is, we need to respect those with authority. By doing that, it sets us up to respect the authority that God has as well.
For this command, let’s use the words, “Lack Of Respect” to summarize.
Moving on. Now we get to the easy ones. “13”
Here we have a pretty simple one. Do not murder. We read in scripture that we are made in the likeness of God, and that goes for everyone. God specially created each and every one of us, and to take a life that God alone created, and God alone should determine when it is over, is a sin that we must avoid.
Now, I don’t think that too many will have to face the consequences of killing someone, but, it is a sin none the less. And when it comes to this one, it is simple enough. The sin, the nail that goes into the cross is the nail of “Murder.”
Our next command is this, “14”
Now, as we talk about this issue of adultery, we need to understand that you don’t have to be married in order to be guilty of adultery. It can happen before and after marriage. God created us in such a way and He intends for us to be devoted to a single person at a time. In scripture it is clear that a married man or woman should not have sex with anyone other than their spouse. However, in today’s world, we can have emotional affairs as well. It may not be sex, but it is possible that we can cheat on those we are in relationships with in other ways.
And as I said, it is not just those who are married. It can also be in the boyfriend girlfriend stage as well. When you are seeing, or married to someone, it is to be only them, no one else. Now, I think you know what I am saying, and so we will move on. But before we do, this one again is simple, the nail of this sin is “Adultery.”
Continuing on. “15”
Like I said, these are the easy ones. We all know that we should not steal, or take things that do not belong to us. But, have you ever done that?
Have there ever been times that we have taken something without permission? God desires that we gain things in the proper way, by earning it. And when we steal things, we are hammering another nail into the cross. Let’s go ahead and summarize this one as, “Stealing.”
Next we have verse “16”
Now, this verse says not to give false testimony against your neighbor. Now, I think this can be simplified to, “don’t tell lies.” Now, we may not do it on purpose all the time, but I would venture to say that we have all committed this sin from time to time. Have you ever told “a little white lie?” You know, the one that no one is hurt, nothing bad is done. Its just a little lie, nothing wrong with that. Or what about rumors. Have you ever taken part in spreading rumors? You never really know if they are true or not, and so, maybe you shouldn’t be telling them. So, for this nail, we are going to summarize it with the word, “Lies.”
And finally, we have the command of, “17”
You shall not covet. But what does that mean? I think a better word for that might be the word envy. At times in our lives we desire to have what someone else has. More often than not, it is in the form of envy towards someone else. We are not satisfied with what we have, and we want what someone else has.
A lot of times, it is in the form of trying to keep up with everyone else. We can’t fall behind, so we buy things that we don’t need and usually can’t afford, just because we are envious of what others have.
In these Ten Commandments that Moses was given, God clearly stated that coveting, or envy was one of the big 10 to avoid. So, each time we allow our envy to get in the way, we are hammering another nail into the cross. So, let’s use the word “Envy” to summarize this command.
Now, those are the big ten, but there are some other nails that we put into the cross that were not addressed in the Ten Commandments, but are clearly addressed in other passages of scripture.
Does anyone here ever struggle with pride? In Mark 12:38-40 it says, “As He taught, Jesus said, “Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowering robes and be greeted in the marketplaces, and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows’ houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. Such men will be punished most severely.”
We know that pride is not a quality that God desires that we would obtain in our lives. In fact, in Proverbs 8:13 God says, “… I hate pride and arrogance, …”
So, when we become prideful in our lives, we are hammering the nails deeper and deeper. So this nail, is the nail of “Pride.”
What about betrayal? Have any of you ever experience the pain of being betrayed? Or have you been the one guilty of betrayal. In Matthew 26:47-50 it says, “While He was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived. With him was a large crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent from the chief priests and the elders of the people. Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them. “The one I kiss is the man, arrest Him.” Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, “Greeting, Rabbi!” and kissed Him. Jesus replied, “Friend, do what you came for.” Then the men stepped forward, seized Jesus and arrested Him.”
Judas may have been the first person to truly betray Jesus, but he certainly wasn’t the last. At times, we find ourselves betraying Jesus. Sometimes, it is in what we do, and other times it is in what we fail to do.
We can also be guilty of betraying those around us as well. Friendships go sour, marriages go down the drain, and a lot of times, it is a direct result of some type of betrayal. Weather it is intentional or not, to a certain degree, we are guilty of betrayal. So let’s add the word “Betrayal.”
What about this one, cruelty? How do you feel when someone is mean or cruel to you? Have you ever been to blame for acts of cruelty?
Things you have said, things you have done. In scripture, there are many instances when someone was cruel to another. So let’s add the word “Cruelty” to our list.
How about addictions? Do any of you struggle with an addiction? And just because you don’t drink, or do drugs, doesn’t mean that you don’t struggle with an addiction. Perhaps it is an eating addiction. Maybe you have a spending addiction. TV, computer, pornography, and the list goes on of things that you could be addicted to. However, in scripture we are told to take care of our bodies, and to be good stewards of what God has blessed us with. And each thing that you are addicted to, hammers the nails deeper and deeper into the cross. So, we have to add the word “Addictions.”
What about hatred? I’m sure there are people out there that you don’t like so well. But do you ever allow that to develop into hatred towards that person? In Matthew 5:21-22 Jesus Himself says, “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, “Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.” But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment.””
So, if you display attitudes of anger, you a guilty of hammering another nail in the cross. So, let’s put up the word “Hatred.”
And finally, let’s consider the idea of lust. In Matthew 5:27-30 it Jesus continues on to tell us that, “1”
Jesus tells us that it doesn’t even have to be adultery, but that if you look at someone in an un-holly way, then you are guilty of sin. So, let’s add another word, the word “Lust.”
What else? Are there any other words that we need to add? Feel free to shout them out! (Give a few seconds)
Well, I believe that takes care of the majority of the sins that we may commit. So, with each of those things listed on the cross, is another nail that gets driven into the cross.
Now, you have been holding that nail during our time together this morning. Now, I ask you a question, “Were You There?” Were you there when the nails were hammered into the cross? Have you done anything in your life that caused a nail to be placed into the hands and feet of Jesus?
If you can answer those question with a “No,” then I want you to sit still during the following song. Cherish you nail, be glad that it was not hammered into the cross.
However, if you had to answer, “Yes” to any of those questions, then in a moment I want you to come up and hammer your nail into the cross. If you are unable to come up here, then feel free to give your nail to someone close to you to hammer it in for you.
There are several hammers up here, so come up at any point and hammer YOUR nail into the cross.
As you are doing that, we are going to be singing the song “Were You There?” So don’t wait too long, because when the song is over, we will be moving on. So take this time, and during this song, come forward and hammer YOUR nail into the cross!
(Sing Song – Were You There? – Have Congregation Hammer In Their Nails)
At this time, I would like to play a video for you. Each year I like to show a video, and this year I was unable to find one that I like, so I decided to make my own. I never realized the amount of work that went into making one of these little videos. But, watch this video. When the video is finished, the men will come forward, have a word of prayer, and then we will partake in Communion.
Watch the video and concentrate on what it is that we are celebrating today!
(Play Easter Video)
(Have Men Serve Communion)
(Special – Mighty To Save)
(During Communion and Special, take white paint and paint over the words written on the cross. Give paint a moment to somewhat dry. Then paint in red, the word “Forgiveness”)
In Isaiah 53:2-5 it is providing prophecy about Jesus. Here is what those verses tell us. Isaiah 53:2-5 tell us that, “2”
Jesus came, and by His blood, we have been forgiven. If you have not accepted Him into your life yet, then I would encourage you to take Him up on His offer today.
Let’s Pray!
(Invitation – Chris Tomlin – I Will Rise)