Week Four

Good morning.  Today we are going to continue to work our way through these 7 sayings that Jesus uttered from the cross as He was being crucified.  Today is what we call Palm Sunday, it is the day that Jesus entered into Jerusalem and the people put down their clothes and Palm branches for Jesus.  As we think about Palm Sunday, it was a day that helped to set the scene for what was going to happen just a little while later.


Jesus would soon face an unjust crucifixion.  And it is in those 6 hours of being crucified that Jesus told us 7 very important things.  The things that Jesus told us were part of His entire life and teaching.  Everything that Jesus was, all that He taught, and everything He lived for He sums up in these 7 statements from the cross.  Here is what He had to say:


Luke 23:34 – forgiveness – “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

John 19:26-27 – family – ““Dear woman, here is your son, and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.””

John 19:28 – fragileness of life – “I am thirsty.”

Matthew 27:46 – forsakenness and unjust suffering – “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

Luke 23:43 – future hope of Heaven – “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”

John 19:30 – finality and the significance of the cross – “It is finished.”

Luke 23:46 – the faith that Jesus displays – “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”

Well that is what Jesus had to tell us in His final moments on the cross.  So far we have looked at the first 3 statements listed here.  And this morning we are going to take a look at 2 more of the saying that Jesus had, and we will look at the last 2 next week as we celebrate Easter.  But for today, we are going to look at when Jesus said, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”


Then we will make a transition and take a look at what Jesus told on of those thieves on the cross with Him: “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”  In these 2 statements we find that even though Jesus felt forsaken on the cross, He knew the Father was still in control.  In the midst of His present pain He was assured of His future hope as well.


Now before we look at these sayings today, let’s begin our time with a word of prayer.  Let’s Pray!


Go ahead and turn with me to Matthew 27:45-49.  Here in this passage we will see the feelings of forsakenness that Jesus was facing.  Let’s go ahead and read that text.  Matthew 27:45-49 says, “1”


Now that we have read that passage, what does Jesus’ statement teach us this morning?  I believe that there are 2 important things that we can take from a study of this passage.


First, Jesus’ cry displays His intense feelings of forsakenness, even though He knew that He had not been forsaken.


As we look at Jesus’ statement, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” we find that Jesus was experiencing the feelings of being forsaken, yet He knew that He had not been forsaken by God.  You see, it was Mary’s son who felt forsaken and cried out “My God, why?”  This once again shows the human aspect of Jesus.  However, it was the Father’s Son who quotes Psalm 22 that proclaims that feelings can be wrong at times, but that God’s word is our security and hope.


How many of you knew that when Jesus said, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” that He was actually quoting scripture.  Turn with me to Psalm 22.  Here in this chapter are words of forsakenness and the fact that God was not going to forsake Jesus.  And as you look at Psalm 22:1 it starts off by saying, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”


So, Mary’s son Jesus said this because of his feelings, but God’s Son was quoting scripture.  So why did Jesus quote scripture on the cross?  I believe that as you look at Jesus life and His ministry, He was always quoting scripture to help those around Him.  When He quoted this passage, I think that He was letting us know that even though we face feelings of forsakenness that God’s word is always reliable.


Scripture strengthened and guided Jesus, and it can do the same for us if we will allow it to.  So, that is the first thing that we can learn from this passage.  It displayed Jesus’ intense feelings of forsakenness, even though He knew He had not been forsaken by God.


And the second lesson that we can get from this statement is that even though Jesus may have felt forsaken, notice that His feelings did not change the important things.


First, His feelings did not altar His faithfulness.  Even though He was having these feelings of forsakenness, He never allows that to take away from His faithfulness.  Even in the very end He shows us one last sing of faithfulness as He commits His spirit into the hands of God.  So He remains faithful.


Second, He did not stop believing in the truthfulness of the word of God and the power of prayer.  In fact, He used both while He was hanging on the cross.  So at no point did Jesus lose sight of what mattered most.  He continued to believe in the word of God, and in the power of prayer.


Jesus remained the same kind of person He was, even when He was feeling forsaken.  I think that this is a lesson that we all desperately need to hear.  There are times in our lives when we “FEEL” that God has forgotten or forsaken us.  The sad thing is, we allow those feelings to change who and what we are.  Jesus shows us here by example that our feelings should not change the important things in life.


So, when Jesus asks, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” we can learn 2 important principles.  First, is that Jesus’ cry displayed His intense feelings of forsakenness even though He knew He had not been forsaken by God, and secondly, that even though Jesus may have felt forsaken, He did not allow His feelings to change the important things in life.


At this time, let’s move on to take a look at another of Jesus’ sayings.  The next one that I want to look at is when Jesus says, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”  Go ahead and turn with me to Luke 23:32-43.  It is here in this passage that we see Jesus giving us faith in the future.  Let’s read that passage.  Luke 23:32-43 says, “2”


Now, as we take a look at this statement, I believe that there are a few things that we should pay attention to.  First, here is a little background on who Jesus was talking to at this point.  Turn with me to Matthew 27:44.  You see, Jesus was being crucified between 2 thieves, and each one had responded to Jesus in the same way early that morning.  Matthew 27:44 says, “In the same way, the robbers who were crucified with Him also heaped insults on Him.”


However, as we look at that verse, and then we go back to our Luke passage, we learn that one of these robbers had a change in heart.  You see, one got bitter and continued to insult Jesus, while the other got better, and was drawn closer to Jesus.  They had both hurled insults at Jesus in the morning, yet now, one of them is becoming a better man.

So what caused the change?  What was it that made this one thief change his mind about Jesus?  I think that it was as simple as watching Jesus here on Calvary.  This thief took a look at Jesus’ heart, His forgiveness, and His example.  And when that man came face to face with Jesus, he was truly changed.  It was at this point that this no good criminal was willing to take a stand for Jesus.  But how does this criminal take a stand for Jesus?  And more importantly, how can we take a stand for Jesus today and be with Him in Paradise?  Well let’s take a look at what this thief did to take a stand?


First, he declared his faith in God.  In verse 40 this thief asks the other criminal that was still insulting Jesus, “…Don’t you fear God?”  Now this was the first step that this criminal took.  He was declaring that he believed in God.  But you know what, that isn’t what saved him.


In the same way, that is the first step that we need to make in order to take a stand for Jesus today as well.  Once we have heard the word, and know about God, we need to take the stand and declare that we have faith in God.  We need to show evidence that we believe in a God that has done all that His word says He has.  We need to believe in the God that sent His one and only Son to this earth to die for our sins so that we could be forgiven.  We need to declare that there is only one God, and that we believe in Him.



Next, this criminal showed his repentant attitude.  In verse 41 the criminal says, “We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve.”

It is at this point that this man has realized what he has done wrong, and in a way, he is repentant of what he has done.  He had an attitude that showed that he understood that he was being punished justly, and that he deserved what he was getting.  This encounter with Jesus was a life changing one.  My guess is, had this guy not been crucified that day, had he lived after this encounter with Jesus, he would have been a changed man.


As we look at ourselves today, it is important that we have a repentant heart and attitude as well.  After we believe in God, we need to begin to change our ways to better ourselves.  Everyone that you read of in the Bible that had a face to face encounter with Jesus, it changed their lives.  When we have that face to face time with Him, it needs to change our lives as well.


Now don’t get me wrong, we will still stumble and fall, but we will be making more of an effort to avoid the sin that causes us to fall.  The whole idea of repentance is to turn and go in the other direction.  When we come to a relationship with Christ, we need to turn from our old ways, and begin going in a new direction.  One that will be more pleasing to God.  So this criminal showed his repentant attitude, and we must too.



Next, he proclaimed that Jesus was innocent and guilt free, and that He was Lord and victor.  In verses 41 and 42 the thief says, “…This man has done nothing wrong.”  Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.””


It was at this point the criminal on the cross next to Jesus made a life changing, and an eternity changing decision.  He made the decision that he wanted to be remembered by Jesus.  He had seen what Jesus was capable of, and he had seen the forgiveness that Jesus was willing to extend to others.  Now, he wanted to feel that forgiveness himself.


We too have a decision to make in our lives.  Do we go on living for ourselves, or do we begin living for God?  We need to decide, do we go through life denying that there is a God, except for when we need Him, or do we take a stand today, and enter into a relationship with Him.  The benefits of a relationship with Christ defiantly outweigh the cost of not having a relationship with Christ.  The benefit is, “You will be with me in Paradise!”


So, as we begin to wrap things up this morning, how was the thief saved?  This is where things change from the way this criminal was saved, and the way that we are saved?  First, remember that the thief and Jesus lived and died under the Old Covenant and the Law of Moses.  The New Covenant didn’t begin until after Jesus’ death.  Turn with me to Hebrews 9:15-17, and let’s read about this covenant.  Here is what it has to say, Hebrews 9:15-17 says, “3”


Now, we have to realize that Jesus was the “owner” of forgiveness of sins as it says in Matthew 9:6.  While He was alive, Jesus could, and did, forgive anyone He wanted, just as the owner of land can give property to whomever he pleases while he is alive.

But once the owner dies, his land can’t be given out unless it is according to his last will and testament, the terms of the new covenant.


In the same way, this robber was saved under the Old Covenant, Jesus spoken word and His power.  However, after Jesus’ death, there is a New Covenant, and a new way of doing things.  Turn with me to Matthew 28:18-20.  Here in this passage, we see what the new terms are as stated in Jesus’ last will and testament if you will.  Here is what it says, Matthew 28:18-20, “1”


And of course, the very familiar words of Acts 2:38, “Repent and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.  And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”


So, if on the day that you die, and you go before God and His judgment, and you hope to here Him say, “Today, you will be with me in Paradise” you need to begin to take a stand for Jesus today!  Declare your faith in Him, show an attitude of repentance, proclaim Him and innocent and guilt free, believe that Jesus is Lord and victor, and under the New Covenant, be Baptized for the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Do that, then life a life that tries to honor God, and He will give you eternal life in Heaven with Him.


Let’s Pray

About Me:
I am a 2006 graduate from Kentucky
Christian University with a major in
Preaching, and a minor in Youth
Ministry. It was in college that I met,
fell in love with, and eventually
married my best friend, and now
my wife, Nellie. I am currently
serving as the Senior Minister of
the Fly Branch Church of Christ in
Vanceburg Kentucky, where I have
been for the past five adn a half
years. I began my ministry at Fly
Branch as the Youth Minister in my
second year of College. After a
short time there became the need
for me to fill the Senior Ministry
position, and God blessed me to be
able to do that. Ever since then, I
have been preaching God’s word
both to the adults, and with the
assistance of my wife, to the youth
as well. My future plans are to follow
God in whatever direction He leads
me and my family.
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