Good morning. Today we are going to continue our series that asks the question, “Why?” Through this series, we are taking a look at why we do the things that we do here at Fly Branch Church Of Christ.
So far, we have taken a look at the questions: “Why do we spend time in worship each week?” “Why do we take Communion each week?” And last week, we looked at, “Why do we take up an offering each week?”
Well, one of the reasons that we take up and offering is to help and support mission work. And so today, we are going to take a look at the question, “Why do we help support missions?” Today, we are going to address that issue. And I thought, what better way to address the idea of missions, than to allow Brenda to get up and share with us this morning about her mission trip to India.
So, at this time, I will have a word of prayer, and then I will turn it over to her, and she can share whatever it is that she feels like sharing from her trip to India.
Let’s Pray!