Good evening. Tonight we continue to take a way at the unique design or shape that God has given each of us. As we continue to progress through this word “SHAPE,” I hope that we are all understanding that we are uniquely made, and that we have a ministry that has been made for us as well. We have already taken a look at the Spiritual Gifts that God gives to those who believe in Him, and then last week we looked at our Hearts, to understand what it is that we love and enjoy doing. This week we move to the letter “A.” The letter “A” stands for Abilities. This evening we are going to take a look at the abilities that you posses that help you make up your shape, and your potential for certain ministries.
Before we do that though, let’s begin with a word of prayer. Let’s Pray!
The first thing we are going to look at this evening is this: Applying My Abilities!
One of the most common reasons people give for not getting involved in ministry is this: “I just don’t have any abilities to offer.” Well, let me tell you, nothing could be further from the truth. The key is simply matching your abilities with the right ministry! God has designed us all, and we all have a purpose and a ministry that we can get involved in.
In fact, in I Corinthians 12:6 it says, “There are different kinds of workings (or abilities), but the same God works all of them for all men.”
You see, God has given each of us abilities that we can use in ministry, all it takes if finding out what abilities we have, and then finding the ministry that matches out spiritual gifts, our heart, and now our abilities.
Now, there are 2 main things that we need to realize this evening about applying our abilities. First, abilities WITHOUT God are just talents. And secondly, abilities WITH God are opportunities for ministry. Without God it is just something that you may do well, but with Him in the picture, those talents and abilities become an opportunity for you to be involved in ministry for the Lord!
Now, what I want to do this evening is take a look at an example from scripture. As we do this, we will read a bit of scripture about this person, and what I want you to be looking for in those texts is this: first, what is the ability that is shown, and secondly, how did it shape or prepare this person. The person from scripture that we will be looking at is David. I believe that we will learn some interesting things about his preparation while we do this. Do you think you can do that for me?
Okay, I Samuel 16:11 says, “1”
So, what was his ability? (Tending sheep, etc.)
And how did that prepare him? (Patience, responsibility, humility, leadership, etc.)
Moving on, I Samuel 17:32, 48-50 says, “2”
So, what abilities did you see there? (Bravery, courage, warrior, strategic thinker, etc.)
And how did that prepare him? (It made him an effective king: II Samuel 10:17-19)
Next, let’s take a look at I Samuel 19:9-10. It says, “3”
So, what abilities did you notice there? (Musical ability, etc.)
How did that prepare him? (He was able to write some of the Psalms: 33:1-3)
Finally, II Samuel 22:1-2, and 23:1-3. In these verses it says, “4”
What abilities were evident here? (Singer, composer, writer, etc.)
How did that prepare him? (1/2 of the Psalms were written by David, etc.)
Now as we look to the abilities that David possessed, we see a little bit of his personality as well. Last week we took a look at personality and motivation, and one of those is evident in the life of David. He was by far a great LEADER. And you can look at his abilities and his accomplishment and see that.
But you know what, sometimes, we need more than just the Scriptures to make us see things clearly. Not that we don’t believe them, but we are a little too stubborn to see things in our own lives. So if I can, allow me to share a few observations that I have made over the years about a few of you.
I hope that this is not embarrassing, and I hope that you can take a little encouragement in the fact that someone notices and appreciates what you do. For those of you that I don’t mention this evening, don’t think that I don’t see things in you, it is just that I picked these 3 because, to me they are very evident.
First, Sheila.
Spiritual Gift(s): Exhorting/Performing
Heat: She enjoys pepping people up, and she enjoys leading people in worship.
Ability: Encouragement, playing the piano, singing.
Ministry: Being an encourager to others, and helping to lead worship services.
Next, Keith, Robert, Dwight, Tim, and Troy.
Spiritual Gift(s): Leadership
Heart: They want to see the church be the best that it can.
Abilities: Good decision making skills, thoughts of others, knowledge of God’s word.
Ministry: Being Elders, and Deacons, leading our church in the right way.
Finally, Ruth.
Spiritual Gift: Service/Organizer
Heart: She wants to serve God and others, and see things get put together.
Abilities: Helping out here and there, and doing what is needed behind the scenes.
Ministry: Helps out at VBS, organizes things, and prepares Communion each week.
Now, those are just a few of you, but each of you have abilities that will help you to get involved in ministry. All it takes is a willingness and a desire to do so.
Now, let’s take a look at: Discovering Your Abilities.
Okay, here is what I want you to do now. If you have it with you, pull out the list of things that you loved or enjoyed doing, and the things that you did well. If you don’t have that with you, try and remember some of those things.
Now, listen to this next list of abilities and see if there are any that when you read them, you think, “That’s Me!” If you come across any of them, write them down, and we will take a look at them in a moment.
Here Is A List Of 28 Specialized Abilities:
Entertaining Ability: Perform, act, speak, lead in worship.
Recruiting Ability: You can enlist and motivate other people to get involved.
Interviewing Ability: You are able to discover what others are really like.
Researching Ability: Read, gather info, collect data.
Artistic Ability: Take pictures, draw, point, design things.
Graphics Ability: Lay out, design, create visual displays or banners.
Evaluating Ability: You can analyze data and draw conclusions about things.
Planning Ability: You strategize, design and organize programs and events.
Managing Ability: You are able to supervise people to accomplish a task or event and coordinate the details involved.
Counseling Ability: You can listen, encourage and guide people with sensitivity and God.
Teaching Ability: You can explain, demonstrate, train, and tutor people.
Writing Ability: You can write articles, letters, books, maybe even devotional material.
Editing Ability: You proofread or rewrite things to make sure they are correct.
Promoting Ability: You are good at advertising and promoting events and activities.
Repairing Ability: You can fix, restore, and maintain things.
Feeding Ability: Create meals for large or small groups, you can cook and give to others.
Recall Ability: You are good at remembering names and faces and facts that are needed.
Mechanical Operating Ability: You can operate tools, equipment, and machinery.
Resourceful Ability: You are able to search out and find inexpensive materials or resources that are needed.
Counting Ability: You can work with numbers, data, and money.
Classifying Ability: Systemize and file books, data, records and materials so that they can be retrieved easily.
Public Relations Ability: You are able to handle complaints and unhappy customers with care and courtesy.
Welcoming Ability: You convey warmth, develop a relationship with others easily, and can make others feel comfortable in a new environment.
Composing Ability: You are able to write music or lyrics.
Landscaping Ability: You are good at working with gardening, plants and cutting grass.
Arts, Crafts, And Decorating Ability: You can beautify a setting for a special event, and help/come up with good ideas for arts and crafts.
Musical Ability: You are able to lead the church family either vocally or instrumentally.
And Finally, Other: Because it is possible that there is another ability that you have, that I did not think of that can be used in a ministry.
Now, to start, tell me what some of your abilities are. What abilities do you have?
Next, let’s take a moment to encourage one another. What abilities do you see right away in those around you?
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add this evening before we close?
Well, if there is nothing else, the final thing that I want to mention is A Warning To Remember.
In John 12:5-6 it says, “5”
Now, when it comes to our abilities, we need to make sure that we are not stealing from God when it comes to what He has blessed us with. Then in Matthew 26:14-17 it says, “6”
As we learn here, we also need to make sure that greed does not cloud our judgment on how to use what we have.
And I say these last two warning and scriptures to be able to end by saying this: An ABILITY can become a DISABILITY if it doesn’t lead to AVAILABILITY to God.
We need to make sure that we are available to God when it comes to using our abilities, so that we can fulfill the ministry that He has in store for us.
Let’s Pray! |