P - Personality

Good evening.  Tonight we come one step closer to defining our unique shape.  So far we have looked at our spiritual gifts that God has given to each and every one of us.  Next, we looked at our hearts, and focused on the things that we loved to and enjoy doing.  Last week we dug a little deeper into our abilities.  We tried to find out what it was that we could do, and then relate that to how we can use those abilities in ministry.  This week, we move to the letter “P.”  In the word shape, the letter “P” stands for Personality.


When it comes to your personality, realize this with me: God has wired each of our temperaments in a unique way.  There are many ways to look at personality, but these are 5 factors that show how God has made us each differently.


Are you an Extrovert, or an Introvert?  Do you get energy from being with people or being alone?

Are you a Thinker or a Feeler?  How do you make decisions, using objective facts or intuition?

What kind of tasks do you prefer?  Do you like Routine and predictable tasks, or do you prefer variety?

Are you Self-controlled, or are you Self-expressive?  Are you more open or controlled in your moods, words, and reactions.

And finally, how well do you Relate to other people?  Are you more cooperative or competitive?


You see, our personality can indicate the type of job and more importantly, the ministry that God wants you to have.  God also wants us to appreciate other people’s personality differences, because He seems to like variety!


Now, before we take a look at our personalities this evening, let’s open with a word of prayer.  Let’s Pray!


Let’s begin by taking a look at plugging in my personality.  To start, on the piece of paper that I gave you, write your full name as neatly as you can. (Take A Few Seconds)


Okay, now what I want you to do is this: try and do it in an unnatural way to you… this time, I want you to write your full again, but this time, do it with the opposite hand.  (Take A Few Seconds)


Now, as you did that little exercise, what happened?


Well, for most of you, and for me when I did it, it was frustrating.  It took me extra time to be able to accomplish it.  I was really out of my element.  And it felt uncomfortable.  Besides all of that, I didn’t do too well either.


Now, as you think about getting involved in ministry, how do you think personality plays a role?


Well, all of those things that I said happened to me when I tried to write my name with the wrong hand, well, the same is true when it comes to doing a ministry that you are not shaped for.  When you take on a ministry that you were not shaped for, you tend to get frustrated, it takes extra time to get it done, you feel out of your element, it is uncomfortable, and a lot of times, you don’t do it very well either.  Now I am not saying that you are not effective in it, all I am saying is that someone who is shaped for that kind of ministry would do better at it.


All of this is true because of the fact that we try and minister in areas that are not suited to our personality.  As I said earlier, God has wired your temperament in a unique way.  This factor is very important in matching you to the right ministry.


Now, let’s take a look at YOUR Personality.  How do YOU see yourself?


Well, I think that it is obvious that God has not used a cookie cutter to stamp out people to look and act the same.  God loves variety, just look at the people and the creation that is all around you.  And we also have to realize that there is not a “right” or a “wrong” personality.  However, just like our gifts, and our abilities, there is a right and wrong way to use those personalities.


A personality is difficult to change, but attitudes can be changed over time.  God has wired you in a unique way.

For example, imagine you have a lion’s personality, we could try and change you by pulling your fangs out, your attitude, with the hope you will become a cat.  But guess what, it won’t work.  You won’t become a cat, you will just become a fangless lion.


When we become Christians, our attitudes should change, but our personalities remain the same.  You had a certain personality before you became a Christian, and you have the same personality now.  You just hopefully receive a new attitude, a Christ-like attitude, and a new nature, the Holy Spirit, to go along with your old personality.


Let’s take time and look at a Biblical example of this.  To do this, we are going to take a look at 4 or 5 passages of scripture.  As I read these scriptures, I want you to jot down the personality traits that you see in this person.  To do this, we will be looking at the Apostle Paul.


In Galatians 1:13-14 it says, “1”


Okay, what personality traits did you pick up on in this passage?

(Okay, he was intense, zealous, enthusiastic, goal oriented, and driven before he became a Christian.)



Next, Acts 9:1-2, and 26:11 says, “2/3”


Okay, what personality traits did you see in these texts?

(I noticed that he was quick tempered, bold, determined, active, and he wanted to get the job done.  Even though it was the wrong job, his personality shows through before he was converted to Christ.)


Now let’s take a look at Philippians 3:4-6.  In this passage, it says, “4”


Alright, what personality traits did you see in this text?

(I find that he has a strong sense of pride, an ego, legalistic, mature leader, and he was a stickler for details.)


Finally, let take a look at Acts 22:3.  Here it says, “5”


What personality traits did you pick up on in this verse?

(Well, again we see that he was zealous, enthusiastic, and studious.)


Now, I want you to realize this: once God got control of Saul’s life, not only was his name changed.  His attitude was changed as well.  His life was changed.  Even his purpose in life was changed.  But notice this, Paul preached Christ with the same type of zeal and enthusiasm that he used to persecute the church before he knew Christ.  All those things might have changed for Paul, but his personality remained the same.



Now, let me ask you this: How did Paul’s personality suit him fro service to God?

(Missionary, evangelist, pioneer work to Gentiles, faithful to God, standing up to persecution.)


Now, did that personality ever become a hindrance to him that you can think of?


Well, in Acts 15:36-40 it says, “6”


You know, as I read that passage, I can see where Paul’s personality was what lead to that disagreement with Barnabas.  However, I don’t know if that was a bad thing or not, because out of that argument, there were 2 groups of people formed to share God’s word rather than one.


What do you think of that story?


Now, I cannot sit here and tell you what your personality is, so, I have a Personality Assessment Test for you to take.  Read the following statements and place a number, 1-7, which most closely describes you, and write that number next to the statement.  Note, answer as you really feel, not as you think you ought to answer.  You must be completely honest and candid in order for this Personality Assessment Test to be accurate.


So, at this time, go ahead and take that test.  (TAKE SEVERAL MINUTES…)




Okay, before we close this evening, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?


Well, if there is nothing else, remember this: THE RIGHT PERSONALITY IS YOUR PERSONALITY!  There are no right or wrong personalities.  Importance is not based on what personality type you have, it is what you do with your personality that is important.


So, your personality is, you fill in the blank.  Therefore, you are best suited to serve God in the area of, you fill in the blank.


Let’s Pray!

Personality Assessment Test


Read the following statements and place a number, 1-7, which most closely describes you, and write that number next to the statement.  Note, answer as you really feel, not as you think you “ought” to answer.  You must be completely honest and candid in order for this Personality Assessment Test to be accurate.


1 = Never       2 = Very Seldom       3 = Seldom

4 = Sometime       5 = Often

6 = Very Often       7 = Always


  1. I adapt to change very easily.
  2. I enjoy being in the “pressure cooker” and making tough decisions.
  3. I am well organized and orderly.
  4. I have a high level of acceptance of others.
  5. I can apologize quickly when I realize that I have offended someone.
  6. I perform to the best of my abilities when I am in control of a project or mission.
  7. I prefer prior notice of change in order to think about and analyze it.
  8. I consider myself to be a very good listener.
  9. Others consider me to be the life of the party.
  10. I am determined to see a project through to the finish.
  11. I would rather miss a deadline than to be inaccurate.
  12. People consider me to be a gentle person.
  13. I find it hard to concentrate on one thing fro long periods of time.
  14. I find it hard to be sympathetic to those who get themselves in trouble.
  15. Before making a decision I seek out facts and base the decision on solid evidence.
  16. It is easy for me to sacrifice personal needs for team goals and not complain.
  17. I consider myself to be spontaneous.
  18. I can be insensitive and have to apologize a lot.
  19. I am happier working alone than with a group.
  20. Status quo is more comfortable for me than frequent changes.
  21. I must be careful not to exaggerate or elaborate unnecessarily when telling a story.
  22. I am very good at persuading others.
  23. I am reliable and in control of m emotions in stressful times.
  24. Confrontation is something I avoid.
  25. I am quick to volunteer when I see a need.
  26. I want to lead a volunteer project rather than follow.
  27. I want the project to stay on schedule and be organized.
  28. My concern for others will be why I volunteer in ministry.
  29. I am naturally tolerant with others.
  30. I am naturally demanding of others.
  31. I am naturally critical of others.
  32. I am naturally charitable with others.



When you have finished this Personality Assessment Test, transfer your numbers to the Key Chart on the other side of this page.

Key Chart


Total        Temperament                 Values


______            Sanguine                    1. ____   5. ____   9. ____   13. ____   17. ____   21. ____   25. ____   29. ____

(This person is cheerful, enthusiastic, energy comes from being with people.  They bring life and smiles to those in their circles.  This kind of personality tends to be talkative, gets others excited, hates to be alone, and a good volunteer.)




______            Choleric                     2. ____   6. ____   10. ____   14. ____   18. ____   22. ____   26. ____   30. ____

(This person is a take-charge, task-oriented leader.  Relationships are largely a means to an end.  Their strengths are boldness and self-motivation.  This kind of personality tends to be a born leader, must correct wrongs, and likes to be in charge.)




______            Melancholy                3. ____   7. ____   11. ____   15. ____   19. ____   23. ____   27. ____   31. ____

(This person is an analytic intellectual who largely keeps to themselves.  Their strengths are observation, preparation, and resourcefulness.  This kind of personality tends to be deep and thoughtful, talented, artistic, and loves details.)




______               Phlegmatic                 4. ____   8. ____   12. ____   16. ____   20. ____   24. ____   28. ____   32. ____

(This person is a calm, dependable, laid-back person who are easy to get along with.  Their strengths are flexibility and endurance.  This kind of personality tends to be low key, well balanced, good parent, and very faithful.)



After transferring the numbers, add them left to right and place the totals in the column on the left.

Take a look and see what your Personality is!

About Me:
I am a 2006 graduate from Kentucky
Christian University with a major in
Preaching, and a minor in Youth
Ministry. It was in college that I met,
fell in love with, and eventually
married my best friend, and now
my wife, Nellie. I am currently
serving as the Senior Minister of
the Fly Branch Church of Christ in
Vanceburg Kentucky, where I have
been for the past five adn a half
years. I began my ministry at Fly
Branch as the Youth Minister in my
second year of College. After a
short time there became the need
for me to fill the Senior Ministry
position, and God blessed me to be
able to do that. Ever since then, I
have been preaching God’s word
both to the adults, and with the
assistance of my wife, to the youth
as well. My future plans are to follow
God in whatever direction He leads
me and my family.
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