Good evening. Tonight we are going to do a little something different as we look through the book of I John. The last two weeks I have noticed some lack of interest. In fact I have almost put myself to sleep during both of those weeks. So I want to do something different for Sunday nights. It is going to be more of a discussion and bible study time.
So let’s get started.
As American’s we focus on the rights of the individuals; we are not interested in hearing about responsibilities of duties.”
Can you think of any examples that might confirm that statement?
Has the truth of that statement bled over into how people approach their relationship with God?
In what ways?
Ok I want to start off by reading from Matthew 3:8. Here in Matthew 3:8 it says, “1”
After hearing that verse let’s see if you can fill in the blanks.
______ is always accompanied by ______.
The answer is that Privilege or Blessings are always accompanied by Responsibilities.
Let’s go ahead and look at our text for this evening. It is going to be from I John 2:1-6. Here in I John 2:1-6 it says, “2”
Now first I would like to define the word “atone.” The word “atone” came from William Tyndale in 1562, before the English word “reconciliation” existed. In translating the New Testament into English, Tyndale used the word “atone” or “at-one” to express the concept of being restored to a right relationship with God.
Now second I want to clarify the misinterpretation of the Universalist, who says that Jesus Christ’s death automatically enables everyone in the world to be restored to a right relationship with God and that everyone will end up in Heaven. That’s not true, if that were true, the Bible would not call us to send missionaries or to persuade our family and friends to choose Jesus Christ as the only way to God and be Baptized.
What John is saying in verse 2 is that Jesus Christ’s death as the atoning sacrifice is not exclusively for those who have trusted in Christ during the writing of John’s letter, but for every person who chooses to trust in Christ after that time as well. In the Gospel of John, chapter 17:20, Jesus said, “3”
With the definition for the word “atone” and the clarification that we need to trust in Jesus Christ alone for a right relationship with God, we are able to understand that obedience to God is about relationship and not performance. With that said, let’s move on.
Could I get someone to read verses 1-2 again for me?
These verses can be looked at as our privileges or our blessings from following Christ.
From these verses what are the ways Jesus is described in this passage of scripture?
Ok and how do these descriptions and titles translate into blessings in our lives?
{go over sheet of answeres}
When you think of what it means to be saved, what comes to your mind?
And now with that answer, what are we saved from?
I think that the neatest thing when we are saved is that we are saved from God’s wrath and in place of that we receive mercy.
Could I get someone to look up Romans 5:9
And another person to find I Thessalonians 1:9-10
As we see here, it is God’s grace that sets us free from His wrath. We deserve to get the wrath of God, but because He loves us, He shows us grace, and we are saved from that.
Let’s move on. Remember earlier we said that Blessings are always accompanied by Responsibility?
Well in this next section we see just that. In I John 2:3-6 it says, “2”
Ok if verses 1-2 describe our privilege in Christ, how does verse 3 describe our responsibility?
{refer to answers on handout}
We have looked at ways to deal with our own sin. And today we are looking at obedience to God. If we have tried to be obedient to God, and we are honest we would agree that obedience is not easy. In fact, some of us would claim that obedience to God is near impossible because God has such high standards. Yet, John wants to assure us that obedience to God is not only a possible response, but obedience to God is a relational response.
The story is told of an aged man who was dying and wanted to see a minister. Having not been a “regular attendee” in any church, the daughter called the local minister and explained her father’s certain fate.
In about thirty minutes the minister arrived at the man’s home. Customarily the Minster would read a passage of scripture with those who were close to death but realized he had left his Bible at the Church.
The minister turned to the daughter, “I seem to have left my Bible back at the Church do you have one I can borrow?”
I think mine is out in my car Reverend. I’ll go and get it while you visit with dad a while.
The minister walked into the dark room and saw the mere skeleton of a man lying in one of those hospice beds in the middle of the living room. Slowly he walked up to the bed, placed his hands on the rail and leaned over to speak in the man’s ear.
“Mr. Atkins? I am Reverend Jones from First Church. Your daughter called me and informed me that you wanted to see a minister. What is it that I can do for you?”
In a voice that was failing and weak, Mr. Atkins spoke: “Reverend, I ain’t never been much of a church going man. I went ever once in a while. Lots of what the preachers said made me angry and so I decided it was more Christian of me to stay home than to go and get mad.”
Mr. Atkins daughter returned with her “Bible” and handed it to Reverend Jones. It appeared to have been used so much that most of the pages had fallen out and were missing.
Handing it back to the daughter, Reverend Jones whispered: “That’s okay I’ll make due.” Revered Jones knew a lot of Scripture from memory and was fairly confident he could at least make it through the 23rd Psalm.
“Mr. Atkins would you like me to share some scripture with you? I seem to have forgotten my Bible, but I know a lot of verses by heart.”
“Yes preacher, that would be plum nice of ya. My Bible’s over there on the mantle. Honey get the preacher my Bible.”
As the daughter handed Revered Jones her father’s Bible, he noticed that it was a lot like the daughter’s Bible. It appeared like Mr. Atkins had used his Bible a lot too.
“Boy Mr. Atkins, you must read your Bible a lot! It’s so used the pages are falling out. I think you’ve taught your daughter well too! Her Bible is just like yours.”
“Well Preacher I am proud of my daughter. She has turned out fine- just fine!”
“Mr. Atkins why didn’t you buy a new Bible or at least save the pages from this one?”
“Truth is preacher, I tore out the parts I couldn’t agree with and this is what’s left.”
Do you notice that the story first shows the smallness of Mr. Atkins Bible? Do you also notice that his daughter turned out just like he did?”
Jesus said, “I will know that you love me when you keep my word.” But how much are we supposed to keep? The answer is, all of it.
In the first letter of John we find even more support for this idea of being obedient to the Word of God.
Now I have some questions for us to think about.
Can you characterize your life as one of obedience or one of self –seeking?
Certainly we will fall. We will break commandments. But where are we headed?
Is the direction of our life God-Ward?
Why should we obey God?
What should our motives be?
In this passage in verse 5 John is concerned with the Christian’s love for God. He is answering the question: how can we detect the love of God in a Christian life? John suggests that the solution is simple: Mature Love produces Obedient Lifestyles.
Could I get someone to look up John 14:15
Someone else find John 14:24
And finally someone look up and find John 15:9-10
And let’s read these.
Now what one quality comes to mind first when you think about Jesus?
John thought of Jesus in light of His humble obedience. Look with me at Philippians 2:6-8. Here in Philippians 2:6-8 it says, “4”
A humble obedient lifestyle is a mark of a Christ centered life.
President Kennedy once said, “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what can you do for you country.”
Christianity is the same way. Immature Christian focuses on what Jesus does for me. And a mature Christian focuses on what I can became or do for Jesus.
As we close tonight I have some personal questions for you. A simply want you to think about these questions and perhaps attempt to make changes where needed.
What direction is your life headed?
Are you walking in the light?
Can you honestly characterize your life as being obedient?
Are you really striving to do God’s will?