Good evening. As we continue tonight we will be continuing our study on the book of I John. Before we look at our text for tonight I would like to read a separate text for us. It is found in II Peter 3:18. Here in II Peter 3:18 we can find 2 keys worth remembering. Here in this verse it say, “1”
From this I get that we need to be growing and learning at all times.
A young man who dives for exotic fish for aquariums told a story about one of the most popular aquarium fish, and it was a certain type of shark. He explained that if you catch a small shark and confine it, it will stay a size proportionate to the aquarium you put it in. Sharks can be six inches long yet fully matured. But if you turn them loose in the ocean, they grow to their normal length of eight feet.
That is like what happens to some Christians. I have seen some little six-inch Christians who swim around in a puddle. You can look at them and comment on how fine looking they are, but they are just like fish in an aquarium. If you were to put them out into a larger arena—into the broad view of a whole creation—they might become great. God helps us not to be confined to a little puddle out of insecurity, but He help us to grow to be over comers, and to walk in the victory that He has for us all.
Were I to ask you if you are sure that you have been born physically you would think it a foolish question. Yet there are many people who are not sure that they have been born spiritually. There are certain characteristics that mark those that are of the same family.
Many times physical similarities, perhaps color of eyes, hair, size of frame, hands or feet. Sometimes the characteristics are not physical and not so readily detectable. In the same way, those who share this spiritual birth have characteristics that distinguish them from the world, birthmarks if you will. So what are some of these birthmarks?
Well, let’s go ahead and look at our text for this evening. We will be looking at I John 4:17-5:5. In this section, John gives us some of these birthmarks. Here in I John 4:17-5:5 it says, “2”
Here in our text John gives us 4 birthmarks or evidences that we are growing in the love of God.
First we see that we have Confidence. Could I get someone to read over verses 17-19 for me please?
Let’s look at verse 17. The key words there are made complete. Verse 16 clearly is talking about God’s love. This is a continuation of that thought. It is God’s desire to perfect or complete in us His love in us and our love for Him. In the original language, it means to complete or to mature.
In this we find that we can have assurance in our Christian Life. Could I have someone read Hebrews 9:27-28 please?
In conclusion, Victorious faith is a product of maturing love. The more we come to know and love Jesus Christ, the more confidence we have to walk toward Him without fear. Because fear is cast out, we can live open and honestly, without a need to pretend. With fear gone, we can walk in obedience to his commands out of love, and not obligation or torture. We find that God’s commands are not burdensome, but make our lives better. Armed with the confidence, honesty, and obedience that this close walk brings, we face the world with a victorious faith.
At this point we can be over comers instead of being overcome.
I am going to close with a story tonight of victory. Ugandan Bishop Festo Kivengere’s gave an account of the 1973 execution by firing squad of three men from his area: February 10 began as a sad day for us in Kabale. People were commanded to come to the stadium and witness the execution. Death permeated the atmosphere. A silent crowd of about three thousand was there to watch.
I had permission from the authorities to speak to the men before they died, and two of my fellow ministers were with me. They brought the men in a truck and unloaded them. They were handcuffed and their feet were chained. The firing squad stood at attention. As we walked into the center of the stadium, I was wondering what to say. How do you give the gospel to doomed men who are probably seething with rage?
We approached them from behind, and as they turned to look at us, what a sight! Their faces were all alight with an unmistakable glow and radiance. Before we could say anything, one of them burst out: “Bishop, thank you for coming! I wanted to tell you. The day I was arrested, in my prison cell, I asked the Lord Jesus to come into my heart. He came in and forgave me all my sins! Heaven is now open, and there is nothing between my God and me! Please tell my wife and children that I am going to be with Jesus. Ask them to accept him into their lives as I did.”
The other two men told similar stories, excitedly raising their hands, which rattled their handcuffs. I felt that what I needed to do was to talk to the soldiers, not to the condemned. So I translated what the men had said into a language the soldiers understood. The military men were standing there with their guns cocked and bewilderment on their faces. They were so dumbfounded that they forgot to put the hoods over the men’s faces!
The three faced the firing squad standing close together. They looked toward the people and began to wave, handcuffs and all. The people waved back. Then shots were fired, and the three were with Jesus.
We stood in front of them, our own hearts throbbing with joy, mingled with tears. It was a day never to be forgotten. Though dead, the men spoke loudly to all of Kigezi District and beyond, so that there was an upsurge of life in Christ, which challenges death and defeats it.
The next Sunday, I was preaching to a huge crowd in the hometown of one of the executed men. Again, the feel of death was over the congregation. But when I gave them the testimony of their man, and how he died, there erupted a great song of praise to Jesus! Many turned to the Lord there.
Well the key to this evenings message is that God has that same victory available to each and every one of us here tonight. It is up to us if we are going to grow in our love of God.
To close I have a final scripture for us to look at. In John 16:33 it says, “3”
If we can do all of this we can have victory in Jesus.
Let’s pray |