Good evening. Tonight we are going to begin a new series that should be interesting. For the next several weeks we are going to watching segments of a TV show and then have a discussion about what went on in the show. We will do it in a similar way as when we did the Andy Griffith series, but we won’t be watching Andy.
Before we watch this show, let me ask you a couple of questions. First, what are some things that you are afraid of?
Now tell me, how do you feel about change?
Well, starting tonight and going for a few weeks we are going to be watching segments of some of the episodes of The Waltons. Tonight, we are going to watch about a 30 minute clip of episode one from the third season. The title of this episode is “The Conflict.” So enjoy the show!
(Play Movie Clip. Episode One. Start at 2:00, and end at 31:30, after the talk on the porch about change.)
Before we get started this evening, let’s open with a word of prayer. Let’s Pray!
Now, as we get started in our discussion time, I just want to share something that was said in that clip that I thought was an interesting thing, and then we will get to the main point for this evening. First, grandpa said, “One day soon may be one day too late.” When he said that, I couldn’t help but think that when it comes to making the decision to do something for God, whether it be getting baptized or sharing God’s message with someone else, always remember that “One day soon may be one day to late.”
Now, on to the main point. Does anyone want to take a guess what the main point from this episode was?
Okay, the fear of the unknown. Or better put; the fear of change. Most of us fear change in every aspect of our lives. I heard recently someone say, that the only people who like change are babies with wet diapers. I would say that that is probably true. We fear change. We fear change in our daily routines. I don’t like it when things happen that change what I had planned to do. We fear change in our families. The death of a loved one, someone moving out, whatever the case is, we fear it sometimes.
We certainly fear change in the church. The favorite phrase in the church is “we’ve never done it that way before.” We definitely fear change to our personal lives. The reason so many people don’t change is they are afraid of what will happen when they do finally change. But we need to be able to say to ourselves: “I Must Not Fear Change.”
Why do we fear change?
In this episode of The Waltons, we see that they are extremely afraid of change. It will mean leaving where they live, and completely changing their lives. I like how we ended the episode where we did. The girl was out on the porch talking with the mother, and they were discussing fear of change. The girl asked, “If that is what’s going to happen, they why are you letting him go off to college?” And the mom said that she couldn’t stop him from going. You see, she knew that the change was going to case John-Boy to be a better person.
In the book of Acts we read of man by the name of Saul of Tarsus who was afraid to change. Saul, was a man trapped by sin but he fought change with a passion.
First, who was Saul, and what did he do?
Well, we know what kind of person Saul was, but then we see Saul have and encounter with Jesus. Go ahead and turn with me to Acts 9:1-6. Here in this passage, we read about the change that Saul was about to go though. Acts 9:1-6 says, “1”
Now, let me ask you this, why was Saul so afraid to change?
Well, for one reason he was PROUD. Saul was a devout religious man, he was a Jew in high standing. He maintained a prestigious image and to follow Christ would mean that he would have to admit that he wasn’t all he had portrayed himself to be. He would have to swallow his pride.
Have any of you ever had to deal with pride when trying to change yourself or something else?
Well, in Proverbs 18:12 it says, “Before his downfall a man’s heart is proud…” In other words, prideful people are on the way to ruin because they won’t admit they need help. That was Saul. That was the way that he viewed change. He was afraid of it, because he was too prideful. Sadly, that it us today as well.
Saul was also afraid to change because was he was FEARFUL OF WHAT OTHERS MIGHT THINK. Has that ever been you? If so, why?
Anyway, Saul had made a nice life for himself amongst the Jews. He had a growing career as a lawyer, he was a well standing member of the religious community, he had a degree from the best university, and he was comfortable. Becoming a follower of Jesus would end any chance of him maintaining those things. He would be ostracized from all his friends, maybe even his family. But especially his way of life. He was too focused on man’s approval, that he overlook the approval of God.
Saul was also afraid of change because there was MUCH TO GAIN FROM HIS CURRENT LIFESTLE. Saul was gaining popularity in the community as a Christian killer. He was a hero of the religious community and his name was well known as a defender of the Jewish faith. The reason he was murdering Christians was because it was benefiting him.
We too fear changing our ways because we currently reap some benefit from a particular habit or sin we struggle with. I read about a prison inmate who received a letter from his wife who had a few questions about things that needed to be done around the house. One main question she had was, “Is it time to dig up the garden and plant the potatoes yet?”
Knowing that his mail was being monitored, the inmate wrote back to his wife, “No it’s not time to plant the potatoes. And by all means honey, don’t dig in the old garden it’s where I buried all my guns.” In her next letter the wife told how federal agents had come to the house and dug up every square inch of the garden but could not find his guns anywhere. The inmate wrote back, “Now it’s time to plant the potatoes.”
That inmate had learned to make his problems work for him and so have we. Our character flaws and sin work for us, they benefit us in some way, and because of that, we are afraid to change.
But even though there were reasons why Saul was afraid to change, we all know the end result. Saul did change, and he became Paul. And he never looked back. This change that took place in his life was one that was of great value. Eternal value. Now don’t get me wrong, Saul had a lot of baggage, but he never looked back. In Philippians 3:13 he wrote, “I must forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead.” If you want to change, you cannot look back. You must stay focused on what is ahead of you and always follow Christ forward.
As it said in the movie, “You can’t be afraid to see new things and learn new things…” “…and make a better life for yourself.” Then, as the clip was about to end, the mother said, “It is okay to admit to the fear that you have. But don’t let it stop you!”
It is one thing to be afraid of something, but if you allow that fear to control you, then you allow the Devil to win. Admit the fear, find people that can help you with that fear, and then conquer it. Don’t let fear stop you from a change in your life that will make a better life for yourself.
So, we know about fear, and we know about not letting it stop us, but how do we defeat the fear of change. Does anyone have any suggestions on how we defeat the fear of change?
Well, go ahead and turn with me to Mark 4:35-41. Here in this passage we are reading about Jesus claming the storm. Listen to these words. Mark 4:35-41 says, “2”
Notice, that Jesus said, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” I think that the answer to facing fear is right there. Have faith in God. I don’t think it can get any easier than that. Have faith in God that He is going to bring you to something better. There are some things in our lives that have to change, and usually that change is for the good.
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we close this evening?
Well, if there is nothing else, remember this, you need to have faith in God, and don’t let the fear of change stop you from changing the things in your life that need changed.
Let’s Pray! |