Things Done In Secret

Good evening.  Tonight we are going to continue our series by watching another episode of The Waltons.  Tonight, we are going to watch episode 7 of the third season.  The title of this episode is, The System.


Before we do that though, I want you to define a couple of words for me.  First, define the word honor?  What does that word mean to you?


Now, tell me what the word integrity means?


Well, as we watch the first 33 minutes of this episode, I believe that we will take a look at those two words in a way.  Now relax, and enjoy the show.


(Play Movie Clip.  Episode Seven.  Start at 1:14, and end at 34:40, after they return from the fishing trip.)



(Tell how the episode ended!)



Now, before we get started with our discussion this evening, let’s begin with a word of prayer.  Let’s Pray!


Well, when I watched this episode for the first time, I first thought that this show was going to be about procrastination.  They kept putting off their studying, and I thought they were going to fail the test.  But then, the twist came in the show, and the focal point changed.


Does anyone want to take a guess at what I decided the main point from this clip was?  And be ready to give some kind of explanation?


Well, I believe that the main thing that we can learn form this episode of The Waltons is a lesson that both Mr. Povich, and Ben learned.  The greatest lesson that can be gained from this episode is to realize that Things Done In Secret, Have A Way Of Coming Out!


Would anyone like to share an example of that with the group?


Why is it that we do things in secret hoping no one will ever find out?


Well, in this story, Mr. Povich was guilty of cheating on the test.  He did it not thinking anyone would see him, but his secret came out as a couple other students caught him looking at his neighbors test.  In Ben’s case, he was testing out what it was like to smoke.  He didn’t think that his little secret would be found out.  He was so sneaky in hiding it, that no one would ever find out.  Or so he thought.


Now, going back to what we started with, how does honor and integrity play a role in this main point form the episode?


Now, does anyone know of any scriptures that we could use that address this topic?


Well, go ahead and turn with me to Proverbs 10:9.  In this proverb, I believe that Solomon gives us great insight about the things that are done in secret.  In Proverbs 10:9 Solomon writes, “The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.”  In other words, what you think you are doing in secret, has its way of coming out.


In our lives, there are many things that we do, that we would prefer they remain a secret.  But realize this: just as the secrets done in this clip have a way of coming out, so do the things that you are doing.  Over the course of your life, if you continue to hide things, eventually, they will come out.  Either you will slip, or someone else will see what it is that you are doing.  In this clip, Jason said to grandpa, “I know that Ben is going to get caught sooner or later.”


The best solution to solving that problem is this: if it is something sinful, stop doing it!  And if it isn’t sinful, don’t focus on keeping it a secret.  However, usually, when we are doing things in secret, it is usually something that is sinful.


Now, when I say that it always has a way of coming out, understand that I am not always talking about your secret being know by others.  Listen to these verses with me.  In Psalms 44:20-21 it says, “If we had forgotten the name of our God or spread out our hands to a foreign god, would not God have discovered it, since He knows the secrets of the heart?”


Then in Psalms 90:8 it says, “You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence.”  And finally, in Matthew chapter 6, Jesus keeps saying, “Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”


The point that I am trying to make with these scriptures is that you cannot have secrets from God.  There is nothing that you can do that will keep your sinful lifestyle a secret from God.  God sees all and He knows all.


As we begin to wrap this discussion time up, remember that if there is a sin that you are struggling with, the best thing that you can do is find someone to help you with that sin.  Find an accountability partner and then help each other get rid of the sin that is done in secret.  The Bible tells us that we are our bother’s keeper, and that we need to be there for one another.




However, with that said, John- Boy in the clip had this to say.  He said, “I am my brother’s keeper, but that doesn’t mean I have to be his watch dog.”  In an accountability group, the purpose is not for you to be watching the other person like a guard dog.  Instead the purpose is that the partners will be open about what is done in secret, and you will both try and stop a particular habit or sin.  So if you don’t have an accountability partner or group, I would suggest that you find one.


Now before we close this evening, is there anything that anyone would like to add?


Well, if there is nothing else, just keep in mind that the things that you do in secret, have a way of coming out.  And there is nothing that you can do in secret, that God doesn’t know about.


Let’s Pray!

About Me:
I am a 2006 graduate from Kentucky
Christian University with a major in
Preaching, and a minor in Youth
Ministry. It was in college that I met,
fell in love with, and eventually
married my best friend, and now
my wife, Nellie. I am currently
serving as the Senior Minister of
the Fly Branch Church of Christ in
Vanceburg Kentucky, where I have
been for the past five adn a half
years. I began my ministry at Fly
Branch as the Youth Minister in my
second year of College. After a
short time there became the need
for me to fill the Senior Ministry
position, and God blessed me to be
able to do that. Ever since then, I
have been preaching God’s word
both to the adults, and with the
assistance of my wife, to the youth
as well. My future plans are to follow
God in whatever direction He leads
me and my family.
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