Mother's Day 2005

Good morning.  To start things off today we have a few prizes to give out to some of the mothers here today in honor of Mother’s Day.


Who is the oldest mother here this morning?

Who is the most recent mother here today?

Who is the mother with the most children?

How about the mother this morning with the most grandchildren?

Who is the mother this morning with the most pictures of their children with them right now?

Last one, who is the mother who has a son that is the preacher at Fly Branch Church of Christ?


Ok now getting started I have a few funnies to share with you.  Did you know that there are some things that only a mother can teach?  My mother taught me about anticipation:  “just you wait until you father gets home!”  My mother taught me about medical science: “if you don’t stop crossing you eyes, they’re going to get stuck that way.”  My mother taught me about genetics: “you’re just like your father.”  And finally my mother taught me about justice: “one day you are going to have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you.”


How about this funny?  A man couldn’t decide what to get his wife for Mother’s Day, so he wrote this lovely poem.  M is for the mink coat you want, dear,

O is for the opal ring you crave,

T is for the tiny car you’d love to drive,

H is for the hat that makes you rave,

E is for the earrings you’d love to have,

R is for the oriental rug on which you would tread,

Put them all together, they spell, “BANKRUPT” so I’m giving you this handkerchief instead.


All kidding aside, today is a day in which we are celebrating mothers, but today we as a church are also going to celebrate all other women as well.  Let’s pray.


There will be two women who influence my life, my mother, and my future wife.  Both of which I hope have these 11 characteristics of the ideal woman that we will look at briefly this morning.


You don’t have to look very far to find a description of the Ideal Woman - if you have a Bible. Her description is found in Proverbs 31:10-31.

This Proverb is God’s description of the Ideal Woman - Ladies, He designed and created you, and He knows what will satisfy you and bring fulfillment to your life.  You would be wise, if you acquaint yourself with this lady and make her your role model.  And keep in mind - this proverb wasn’t written to make you feel guilty or place unrealistic expectations on your life. 

It was written to build you up and show you your God-given potential.  Let’s look at this woman in Proverbs 31:10-27.  Here in these verses it says, “1”


In these 22 verses there are 11 characteristics of a virtuous woman.  “The English word virtuous has a narrow meaning.  The Hebrew word is wider, for example, all moral qualities.  Ruth is the only one called “virtuous” in the Old Testament” and that is found in Ruth 3:11.


Now she is a wife, but Ladies, this isn’t to say that you’ll never fulfill your role in life if you are single.  The Bible teaches that marriage is an honorable relationship between a man and a woman, but the Bible also places great honor on being single.  In fact, in I Corinthians 7 it tells us there are some things a single person can do for God that a married person can’t.  So don’t ever let any one make you feel like a second class person just because you’re single.  But if you are married, or you intend to be married, then please realize that God expects you to be a valuable wife - like the woman in Proverbs 31.


Our society places a lot of emphasis on a woman’s looks, but there’s more to the Ideal Woman than her looks.  And that is what we find here.


So what are these 11 characteristics of a virtuous woman?  Well the first one comes in verse 12, “She brings him good.”  Character, she does good to all, to her husband, to her children, and to all others.  She does good, because she is good. 

The definition of character would look like this, “Character is habitually doing the right thing in the right way.”


The second characteristic is in verse 13 where it says in other translations that, “She seeketh.”  Planning ahead.  A virtuous woman doesn’t just live for the present moment: she know what her family needs, she thinks ahead, and she plans ahead. 


Characteristic # 3 is found in verse 13 as well when it says, “She works with eager hands.”  She is industrious.  She is a woman who will work and do a thousand jobs around the house.  Men are warned against marrying a lazy woman.


She works hard at HOME.  They say that a woman’s work is never done and that’s especially true of a woman’s work at home.  Do you know what the most demanding job in the world is?  I have heard that it is being a mother and a wife.  Think about it.  A mother has to be a nurse, a teacher, a child psychologist, a housekeeper, and a cook.  It takes hard work to build and maintain a family!  So ladies, don’t get lazy when it comes to your home.

And husbands and children don’t be lazy either.  Appreciate the hard work your wife or mother does at home - and give her a hand (a helping hand)!

She works hard on the JOB too.  These verses describe a career woman as well.  She is busy, buying, selling, and trading. 

It may shock you to realize that the Bible does not condemn a woman who works outside the home.  The Ideal Woman of Proverbs 31 works outside the home and is commended - not condemned.

Ladies, if you don’t have to work outside the home, then take advantage of it and focus on ministering to your husband and raising your children.  But if you have to find employment outside the home then don’t feel like a bad wife or a bad mother.  You are being a good wife and a good mother because you’re helping provide for your family!

The fourth characteristic is found in verse 15 when it says, “She gets up while it is still dark.”  She is a good time manager.  There are so many requirements upon a wife or a mother that she must use her time wisely.  Since time is money and time is life . . . those who use their time best . . . get the most out of life.

Characteristic # 5 is in verse 15 as well when it says, “She giveth meat to her household.”  She is a provider.  A great mother or wife always can do more with less money.  She can make better meals, provide better clothes, and make the house better --with less money.  She is always providing, no matter what is available.


# 6 this morning comes from verse 16 says, “She considers.”  Decision-Making.  It was quoted that, “Life is making decisions and making them work.”  All woman are faced with many choices, those who make the best decisions have the best life.  Some steps that they may use are to:
a. Define your problem clearly.
b. Gather as much information as you can.
c. Determine all the possible solutions.
d. Relate biblical principles to the problem.
e. Choose the best solution to your problem.


The seventh characteristic is in verse 17 and in some translations it says, “She girdeth her loins.” STATEMENT.  It is said, “Clothes make a woman.”  NO!  The clothes she wears and the way she wears them will reveal her character not make her character.  So a virtuous woman would make a statement in the way that she dresses.


# 8 can be found in verse 18 and in some translations it says, “She perceiveth.”  This is insight or intuition.  A godly woman is wise.  The Book of Proverbs says, “Give yourself to knowledge that you may gain wisdom.”  The woman who is always learning will have great insight.


# 9 would be found in verse 20 and says, “She opens her arms to the poor.”  She has compassion and charity.  The godly woman is concerned about the humanitarian needs of those outside her family.  For example, she would care for the homeless, the hungry, and those needing clothing.

#10 would be in verse 26 as it says,  “She speaks with wisdom.”  She possesses WISDOM.  Your mouth is a reflection of what is within. 

When we open our mouth, we show our wisdom or our folly.  Therefore:
a. Don’t speak when you can listen.
b. Ask questions so you can learn.
c. Speak carefully and kindly.

And the eleventh characteristic would be in verse 27 when it says, “She watches over the affairs of her household.”  She demonstrates CARE.  A godly wife or mother will take care of her husband and all of her family.  She gives care to the family and what is well for them.


Ladies you need to really get acquainted with this woman and make her your role model. Follow her example and she will help you find fulfillment and satisfaction.


Now for the most part, I’ve preached to the ladies.  And now the last 4 verses of this proverb says that a godly woman deserves to be praised.  Here in verses 28-31 it says, “1”


A man was walking along a California beach and stumbled across an old lamp.  He picked it up, rubbed it - and out popped a genie.  The genie said, “Ok. You released me from the lamp .. blah, blah.  This is the 4th time this month and I’m getting a little sick of these wishes, so you can forget about 3.  You only get one wish.”

The man thought about it for a while and said, “I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii, but I’m scared to fly and I get very sea sick.  Could you build me a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive over there to vacation?”
The genie laughed and said, “That’s impossible.  Think of the logistics of that feat!  How would the supports ever reach the bottom of the Pacific Ocean?  No, think of another wish.”

The man thought about it and said, “I’ve been married and divorced 4 times.  My wives always said that I don’t care and that I’m insensitive.  So, I wish that I could understand women.  To know how they feel and what they’re thinking.”
The genie said, “You want that bridge with 2 lanes or 4?”

Well men may never understand women, but one thing we should know is that women like to be praised, and to feel loved.  Do you know why we need to praise them?


1 reason is Because it feels GOOD.
It feels good to be positive and to say positive things about the people in our lives.  When we praise people, we see them become more positive, and that in turn allows us to be more positive.

The second reason is Because it honors GOD.
Since God made the world, and is at work in it, so it is possible to praise Him indirectly by praising something he made or praising something that exalts Him.
And a third reason is Because it strengthens GODLY WOMEN.
There are always temptations that pull us away from God and we all need encouragement from time to time.  We all need to hear a person say, "You’re doing a great job."  When you praise the godly women in your life, you are strengthening their walk in the Lord.

So, teenagers and children, God forbid this to happen, but suppose your mom was killed in a car wreck this afternoon and you had to go to her funeral on Wednesday.  What would you wish on Wednesday that you had told her today?  Tell her before today is up.

Husbands, teenagers, and children, praise her while you have her.  And you will strengthen her, honor God, and add great joy to your own life.


In closing there’s an old proverb that says, “Flowers leave their fragrance on the hand that bestows them.”






A poem written about it says this:


This old Chinese proverb if practiced every day
Would change the whole world in a wonderful way.

Its truth is so simple it’s so easy to do
And it works every time and successfully too.

For you can’t do a kindness without a reward
Not in silver nor gold but in the joy from the Lord.

You can’t light a candle to show others the way
Without feeling the warmth of that little ray.

And you can’t pluck a rose all fragrant with dew,
Without part of its fragrance remaining on you.

Women need to be praised.  And we need to give them the praise them deserve.  This morning the men prepared breakfast, at this time the youth are going to pass out one of these flowers to each woman here.  You don’t have to be a wife, or a mom this morning to receive one of these flowers.  They represent the praise that we are giving to all of you women, hoping that you exhibit these 11 characteristics that we looked at this morning.


Let’s pray.


About Me:
I am a 2006 graduate from Kentucky
Christian University with a major in
Preaching, and a minor in Youth
Ministry. It was in college that I met,
fell in love with, and eventually
married my best friend, and now
my wife, Nellie. I am currently
serving as the Senior Minister of
the Fly Branch Church of Christ in
Vanceburg Kentucky, where I have
been for the past five adn a half
years. I began my ministry at Fly
Branch as the Youth Minister in my
second year of College. After a
short time there became the need
for me to fill the Senior Ministry
position, and God blessed me to be
able to do that. Ever since then, I
have been preaching God’s word
both to the adults, and with the
assistance of my wife, to the youth
as well. My future plans are to follow
God in whatever direction He leads
me and my family.
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