The Kingdom Of Heaven-

Good evening.  Well, as we continue in our series, “The Parables Of Jesus” I want to move on to define the Kingdom Of Heaven tonight.  Last week we looked at what a parable was, what its purpose was, why Jesus used parables, and how we need to interpret them.  Here is a quick review: A parable cab be defined as a story that places one thing beside another for the purpose of teaching.  It is an earthly story with a Heavenly meaning.  The purpose of a parable was to conceal it’s message from the uncaring multitude, while revealing it’s message to the true seekers.


The general theme of the parables was the Kingdom of Heaven.  In particular they covered the character of the kingdom, the character of the king, and the character of the king’s subjects.  And when we look for meaning in the parables we should seek out the central truth of the story.


Now this week, because the Kingdom of Heaven is so important to the parables of Jesus, as well as His overall teaching, it would benefit us to understand what that phrase means.  If we understand what “The Kingdom Of Heaven” means then we are more likely to get the most out of Jesus’ parables.


So that is what we are going to focus on this evening, and then next week we will begin looking at the different parables.  Before we look at the Kingdom of Heaven though, let’s open with a word of prayer.


Let’s begin our effort to understand The Kingdom Of Heaven, by comparing it with The Kingdom Of God.


What is the difference between “The Kingdom Of Heaven”, and “The Kingdom Of God”?


Well, The Kingdom of Heaven is used 32 times, but all 32 of those times can be found in the Gospel of Matthew.  The Kingdom Of God on the other had is found in 10 books of the Bible and is found 68 times.


Let’s look at a few instances of each of these phrases.  (Look at handout to read the passages)


And then there is one instance when Jesus used both of the terms “Kingdom Of Heaven,” and “Kingdom Of God” when He was talking about the dangers of wealth.  In Matthew 19:23-24 it says, (Look at handout to read the passage)


So, why the different expressions?


We see that Matthew used the expression “Kingdom Of Heaven,” while the other gospel writers used “Kingdom Of God.”  It may be because Matthew wrote primarily to a Jewish audience.  They were often reluctant to use the name of God out of reverence for the power of the name.

They were also looking for the Messiah to bring a Physical Kingdom, not a Spiritual Kingdom.  Perhaps the expression “Heaven” would help to emphasize the spiritual kingdom.


So it seems obvious that these 2 expressions mean the same thing.  So now let’s look at what Jesus meant when He talked about the Kingdom Of Heaven or Kingdom Of God.


Now, as we move on, The Kingdom of Heaven involves 4 inter-related concepts that I want to address tonight.  Now these 4 concepts will help us to better understand the parables as we begin looking at them next week, so understanding the Kingdom is a very important part of understanding and apply the parables.


First, The Reign Of God.

The word “Kingdom” as used by the Jews often implied the idea of the reign or Dominion of God, not a geographical area.  We see a hint of this in the Lord’s Prayer.  In Matthew 6:10 it says, “Your kingdom come.  Your will be done.  On earth as it is in Heaven.”


In the Jews mind, they were anticipating the reign of God, and so when the passages of scripture talked about the Kingdom of Heaven is coming soon, they took it to mean that the earthly reign of God was on its way.  Now there is nothing wrong with this interpretation, because it is a time that God will reign over all the earth as He is in Heaven, the only thing to remember is that that time is now.

Second, Spiritual In Nature.

The Kingdom or reign of God is not found in the form of a physical kingdom.  It is in a spiritual sense.  Turn with me to Luke 17:20-21.  Here in Luke 17:20-21 it says, “1”


It is a spiritual kingdom that is within each of us, and will not be a kingdom that is observed by the physical world.  I mean look at what Jesus said in John 18:36.  Here in John 18:36 Jesus answered and said, “2”


You see, Jesus’ Kingdom is not of this World.  it is not a physical kingdom, it is spiritual in nature.


Third, It Is Manifested today In The Lord’s Church.

What is the Church?


Well, the church is a community of believers who recognize that Jesus Christ is their Lord, Savior, and King.  It is a place where people come together with common beliefs in God, and they worship and learn more about the God that they serve.


Jesus used the terms “church” and “kingdom” interchangeably.  In fact in Matthew 16:18-19 it says, “3”



In this case, the kingdom is meaning the same thing as the church itself.  So the idea of the kingdom is manifested today in the church.  What this means is that it is made visible in us.  That’s what the word manifest means.  To be made know or to be made visible.  So the kingdom of heaven is made visible in us, God’s church.


And Finally, The Kingdom Is Both Present And Future.

How is it both present and future?


Well, the Kingdom of Heaven has both a Present sense as well as a future one.  It is a present kingdom, because we are God’s people doing God’s will, and so the work of the church is being done today.  However, it is a future tense as well, because it will be in the future that the Kingdom Of Heaven is completed in.  When we die or Christ comes back, then the Kingdom Of Heaven will be completed, and we will rejoice in Heaven with all believers for all eternity.


Turn with me to Matthew 25:33-34.  Here in Matthew 25:33-34 it says, “4”

In the end, when the Kingdom Of Heaven is fulfilled and completed, we will inherit a kingdom that has been prepared for us from the beginning of the world.  So, the Kingdom Of Heaven has a present and a future tense to it.


We must keep these 4 concepts in mind whenever we think of the Kingdom Of Heaven, or we could be confused about what Jesus is trying to teach us in the parables. 

Sometimes when Jesus refers to “The Kingdom” He is referring to the present aspect of the kingdom, and sometimes He is referring to the future aspect of what the kingdom will be like.


So as we close this evening, does anyone have any input about what we have just looked at?


Well, as we close I would like to read the definition for The Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God from a Bible Dictionary.  It says, “A kingdom is a territory ruled over by a king.  The term kingdom of God or kingdom of heaven, used interchagably, refers to when and where God rules, both present and future.  The kingdom is also considered to be a place where God’s reign is complete as it does in Revelation.”


So everything that we have looked at this evening, points us in the direction that this definition goes.  With a better understanding of what the Kingdom Of Heaven is, we will be able to get more out of the parables as we begin to study them next week.


Well, if there is nothing else, then let’s have a word of prayer and then a closing song.


About Me:
I am a 2006 graduate from Kentucky
Christian University with a major in
Preaching, and a minor in Youth
Ministry. It was in college that I met,
fell in love with, and eventually
married my best friend, and now
my wife, Nellie. I am currently
serving as the Senior Minister of
the Fly Branch Church of Christ in
Vanceburg Kentucky, where I have
been for the past five adn a half
years. I began my ministry at Fly
Branch as the Youth Minister in my
second year of College. After a
short time there became the need
for me to fill the Senior Ministry
position, and God blessed me to be
able to do that. Ever since then, I
have been preaching God’s word
both to the adults, and with the
assistance of my wife, to the youth
as well. My future plans are to follow
God in whatever direction He leads
me and my family.
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