Good evening. Tonight we continue our study of the parables of Jesus. Over the past few months we have been taking a look into the parable that Jesus used as a method of teaching His disciples. We have looked at some interesting facts about parables, an have taken a look at several of the parables themselves. As we move on tonight, we have the parable that we will examine tonight, and then one other that I want to take time to look at.
Tonight’s parable though is recorded in Matthew 25:14-30. To most of us it is probably a familiar passage of scripture, but tonight we are going to try and gain something new from what Jesus had to say in the parable of the talents.
Before we read the text, let’s begin with a word of prayer.
If I were to ask each of you what some of your talents would be, how would you answer me?
Well let’s go ahead and take a look at our parable for tonight. Again, it is the parable of the talents and can be found in Matthew 25:14-30. Here in Matthew 25:14-30 Jesus says, “1”
Okay, what do you think is Jesus’ point here with this parable?
Well let’s get a better understanding of the parable. The word “talent” in this parable refers to money. It is approximately 6,000 denarii, which would take an ordinary laborer 20 years to earn.
So I think that one thing we can definitely pull out of this little tid bit is that if it is from God, then it is special. You see, God gives us gifts that are worth a lot. Even one talent is a large gift, so how do you use the talent or the gift that God has given you?
Another thing that we need to realize as we look at this parable is that we may not all have the same number of talents. Do you know people who are just extremely talented, I meant they can do anything?
Well what we have to remember is that the Lord has given to us each according to our ability. Could I get someone to read Romans 12:4-6 for me please?
The servants labored in their area of expertise. What they knew and could use the best is what they did. We have to realize that Christianity is a team sport. Take Football for example. Not everyone can be a kicker in football, if so, the game would not be as exciting. We all have our own area of expertise, and we need to take advantage of that expertise and use it for God.
Why would it be bad if we were all talented in the same areas?
Would someone read Matthew 25:44-45 for me please?
Here we learn that we have to be faithful to use the opportunities the Lord has given us. We need to train our minds to be sensitive to notice the opportunities that God is giving us to serve Him. Do you look for God and God opportunities every day? That is what we need to do as Christians. Every opportunity that you get each day should be used to show Christ to others.
I think that as we examine this parable we also find that diligence is rewarded, and negligence is punished. Can someone give me an example of this point other than what we just read?
Okay, someone read Matthew 13:41-43 for us please?
If we can be diligent with what the Lord has given us, then He will reward us with more, but if we are not diligent, if we are negligent of what He has given us, then we will be punished for that.
Let’s move on. Not only do our abilities belong to God, but the opportunities that He gives us also belong to Him. God gives both ability and opportunity to you, so we need to make sure that we are allowing God to work through us. God is like the hand that is in a glove, so let Him work though your life. If you take that hand out of the glove, it can’t do anything, so let’s make sure that we are allowing God to work through us.
Another thing from this parable that I really like is when the judgment comes down on the servants. I think that the judgment of the servants in this parable is an amazing look to the future. In the day of judgment, the number of talents that we have will not matter. What matters is how faithful we have been with what we have been given. Its not about equal gifts, but equal sacrifices. Someone read II Corinthians 5:9-10 for me?
You see, the natural man judges by earthly success, but when we appear before the judgment seat of Christ, God is looking for faithfulness. It isn’t going to matter how successful we where, what it really boils down to, is where we faithful?
Let me ask you a question. The sins of omission are as bad as the sins of commission. True or False, and then Why?
You know, we may say, “Well I’m not doing this, this, or this so I’m doing good.” But the question is not what aren’t you doing, but rather we should ask, “What are you doing for Christ?”
A final application that I can see is that the nature of our talent may be different from what God has given someone else. Could someone read I Corinthians 12:4-6?
It is the same spirit, but different gifts. It is the whole idea of a team effort. We can’t all be good at the same things, otherwise the church would not work in the way that it is suppose to. If we all had the same gift, we would not need to look to others for anything.
Now, to wrap things up this evening, I have a few questions to get us thinking a little more about this parable, and then a couple of questions to help us in the application of this parable to our own lives.
In this parable, what was the masters expectations of his servants while he was away?
What ended up happening to each of the servants?
How do you feel about being given more reasonability as a reward for a job well done?
Okay, let’s get personal. Think of the talent or talents that God has given you. If the master would return today, what would He say about the way you have used the talent or talents that He has given to you?
What is it that would help you to better use your talents and abilities?
Before we close, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well as we close, here’s the bottom line: if you are in the kingdom of Heaven then the Lord has given you a talent, maybe even several. Its up to you how you use them, but God encourages us to be productive where the Lord has given us ability and opportunity.
On the inevitable day when you stand before the Lord, what do you hope to hear Him say? “Well done good and faithful servant” or “You wicked and lazy servant”. The choice is yours, and it is based on how faithful you are with what He gives to you.
Let’s Pray |