The Wicked Vinedressers

Good evening.  This evening we come yet another step closer to ending our series on The Parables Of Jesus.  Last week we discussed that Jesus was questioned by the religious leaders as to where His authority came from.  After being questioned about His authority, Jesus told 3 parables.  Last week we looked at the first, The Parable Of The 2 Sons.  And this week we move on to examine The Parable Of The Tenants or in older translations it is The Parable Of The Wicked Vinedressers.


Before we examine this passage, let’s open with a word of prayer.


If you could travel anywhere in the world, and money was no problem, where would you go, and why?


If you owned a farm, and you where going to be taking this long vacation, and you had to find trustworthy tenants, what would you look for in them?


Well, in tonight’s parable, the owner of a vineyard is going to be away for some time, and he has to find some tenants to take care of his vineyard.  However, things don’t work out so great for this man.  Let’s see what it has to say.  Turn with me to Matthew 21:33-46.  Again tonight we have a rather longer parable that Jesus uses.  Here in Matthew 21:33-46 Jesus says, “1”



Now it’s time for some “Who’s Who, and What’s What?”  In Jesus parable, who do you think is the Landowner?  (God)

Okay, and what is the vineyard?(Kingdom Heaven/God, Anywhere God’s will is done)

Who are the vinedressers?  (Jewish Leaders/ Religious Leaders)

The servants that were sent to check on the harvest?  (The Prophets)

And what is the fruit that is produced?  (Righteousness, or a Relationship with God)

And who would the son of the owner be?  (Jesus)

Who will be the vinedressers that will replace the bad ones? (Gentiles/Christians)

What is the stone in this parable referring to?  (Jesus)

And finally, who are the builders?  (Israel/they rejected the chief cornerstone(Jesus))


Okay, now we know who’s who and what’s what, now let’s try and gain something from this parable.  Who does Jesus direct this parable to?  (leaders)


Why didn’t they arrest Jesus after this?


Well, if they didn’t arrest Him, why didn’t they repent and follow Jesus?


And verse 43 told us something, Who will be given the Kingdom?  (People who will produce its fruit/Christians)


Well, what do you think the purpose of this parable was?


Well, I think that the purpose of this parable was to show why God would be just in condemning Israel, and giving their blessings to those who are more deserving.  Look at Matthew 23:37.  Could I get someone to read that verse for me, Matthew 23:37?


Can you see the sad picture in that text?  All the blessings that Jesus wanted to give to them, but they were not willing.  Also in John 1:11 it says, “He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.”  Again we are given a heart aching type of picture.  You can almost sense the sadness that He must have felt.


This stone which Israel rejected would be the cornerstone in a new building.  That new building would be the church.  Could I get someone to read Romans 9:6-8 for me please?


And would someone else read Galatians 3:27-29?


You see, nationality doesn’t make you one of God’s people.  Being a slave or freedman does not make you one of God’s people.  Only by being of Christ makes you one of God’s heirs.


This parable also shows that those who oppose Christ will one day be ground into dust.  They will ultimately face judgment for their actions.  Could someone read John 12:48 please?


Now someone get Revelation 6:15-17 for us?


So those who reject Jesus today, will face a judgment that will destroy them.  Let me ask you: Who are those that reject Jesus today?  (Anyone Not A Christian)


Turn with me to Matthew 26:3-4.  Here in Matthew 26:3-4 it says, “2”


Isn’t it interesting that instead of letting the message of God change them, the religious leaders desired to kill the messenger?  Why do you think that is?


Do people have a similar attitude today?  (Yes, No, ?)


God often bestows wonderful blessings and privileges on those who love Him.  What kind of blessings did He give to Israel?  (Laws, Leaders, Priests, PROTECTION, PROMISES)


Okay, and what kind of blessings to we receive from Him today?  (Christ, The Bible, Fellow Christians, In America We Have Freedom To Worship, PROTECTION, PROMISES)




People often make bad use of their privileges.  Israel fell away from God consistently throughout its history.  They persecuted the prophets and even rejected the Messiah.  Luke 17:25 tells us that, “First He must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.”  After all that Christ came to do for us, the early leaders still rejected Him.


How do people take God for granted today?


Well, we need to take the nation of Israel as an unmistakable example.  Could I get someone to read I Corinthians 10:11 for me please?


We need to learn from old mistakes.  And as Christians today, we need to learn from the mistakes of others in the past.  They took things for granted, and they lost their inheritance.


What I want to do now is I have a few questions that I would like to use to bring us to a close this evening.  The first one, I just want you to think about it for a moment.  Which character in this story can you relate to the most and why is that?  Think about that for a moment, and if there needs to be a change in that, then I hope that you will really consider that in the future.


In our text tonight we read about a capstone.  Other translations say cornerstone.  A capstone in the highest stone in a building, and a cornerstone is usually the strongest and most important stone in a building.

So, would Jesus be your capstone or cornerstone in your life, or would He be more like a millstone in your life that is a weight that drags you down?  Think about that for a moment as well.  For some, God is the strong point in our life, He does take up the highest part of our lives.  However, for others God may be something that we are doing that we feel is dragging us down.  Hopefully, we can all make Him the strongest part of our lies and we will elevate Him to the highest place in our lives as well.


Now, a question that I actually want an answer to.  Would God bring such judgment against His people today if they abuse their privileges like Israel did?  Why or why not?  (I believe so.  Why, because God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  He still demands the same from us and expects it)


Before we close this evening, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?


In closing, in Luke 12:48 it says, “For everyone to whom much is gieven, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.”  We have been given eternal life if we obey and follow Christ, in response to that, there is much that we must do.  As Christians we have made a great commitment to God, and He will ask more of us.  Are you willing to do it?  Let’s hope so, because there is a great inheritance awaiting those who succeed.


Let’s Pray

About Me:
I am a 2006 graduate from Kentucky
Christian University with a major in
Preaching, and a minor in Youth
Ministry. It was in college that I met,
fell in love with, and eventually
married my best friend, and now
my wife, Nellie. I am currently
serving as the Senior Minister of
the Fly Branch Church of Christ in
Vanceburg Kentucky, where I have
been for the past five adn a half
years. I began my ministry at Fly
Branch as the Youth Minister in my
second year of College. After a
short time there became the need
for me to fill the Senior Ministry
position, and God blessed me to be
able to do that. Ever since then, I
have been preaching God’s word
both to the adults, and with the
assistance of my wife, to the youth
as well. My future plans are to follow
God in whatever direction He leads
me and my family.
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