As we continue to work our way through the book of Exodus, we will take a look at chapters 25 and 26. In chapter 25 it is talking about a lot of things that are to be built, and it gives the specifications for how they are to be built. At this time, let’s go ahead and work our way through the first couple of sections. Before we move on, let me ask you a question. What heirlooms or hidden treasures do you have in a trunk or attic?
At this time, whoever has the next key, go ahead and read that for us please. (READ 25:1-22)
Why did God want them to collect all of those things?
What need does God have for such riches?
Will their offerings secure God’s relationship with them?
Since graven images are prohibited, why are the cherubim on the cover?
What might you carry around with you to help remind you of God’s actions and His continuing presence in your life?
Now, before we move on, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well, if there is nothing else, let’s get ready to move on and take a look at the rest of chapter 25. But before we do that, answer me a question. Do any of you have a favorite lamp in your house? If so, what makes it so special?
Well, in this next section of scripture, we read about a table, and a lamp stand. So, whoever has the next key, if you would go ahead and read that for us please? (READ 25:23-40)
How does this table for the Lord here in this text compare to the one here in the church?
What features define the lamp described here in this text?
What is significant about the number 7 used in this text?
At this time, allow me to share with you what the commentary has to say about this chapter. It says, (READ COMMENTARY)
Now, before we move on, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well, if there is nothing else, we will move on and take a look at chapter 26. Here in chapter 26 it is giving the exact way that the Temple is to be built. Now before we take a look at this text, What is the most unique church building that you have ever been in?
Did it add to or take away from the worship time?
Well, let’s go ahead and move on and take a look at this chapter. Whoever has the next two keys, go ahead and read them. (READ 26:1-17, 18-37)
Based on the blue print here, work as a group to determine the dimensions of the Tabernacle? (A cubit equals about 18 inches)
To what can you compare the size of this structure to?
Why do you think God goes through so much to give them the exact instructions as to how to build this building?
When Jesus died, the curtain that was in the Temple tore from the top down. Why was this good news for His followers?
What does this say about the relationship that God wants to have with us?
How do you feel when you use your skills to glorify God?
How do you “come into God’s presence” when you can’t go to church?
What makes that challenging?
At this time, allow me to share with you what the commentary has to say about chapter 26. It says, (READ COMMENTARY)
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we close this evening?
Well, if there is nothing else, for next week we will take a look at chapters 27-28.
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