Good evening. Tonight we are going to come one step closer to finishing up our look at the book of Exodus. Tonight, we are going to be looking at Exodus chapters 32-34, but before we get started, allow me to open with a word of prayer. Let’s Pray!
As we get started tonight, I have a couple of questions. First, as a kid, what was the most common punishment that you got?
Secondly, what is something that you have a hard time waiting for?
Well, in chapter 32, we find both God and Moses talking about punishment, and we see the people being impatient and not wanting to wait for Moses to come down off of the mountain. So, whoever has the first two keys, go ahead and read those for us please. (READ 32:1-17, 18-35)
Now, Moses had gone up onto this mountain to meet with God. It was during this time that God engraved the 10 Commandments onto the stone tablets. However, while Moses was on the mountain, there was trouble brewing in the camp below.
How long had Moses been away on the mountain? (40 days)
Why do you think that the Israelites were so quick to turn to idolatry?
Who do you blame for the golden calf?
How do God and Moses feel about this golden calf?
Why does God back down from the destruction that He was going to bring?
What did it mean when Moses threw the stone tablets to the ground?
How do you usually react when others disappoint you?
When you feel that God is far away, what are you tempted to turn your attention to?
What is Moses’ role in setting things right again?
When someone let’s you off the hook, how do you usually feel about that person?
How do you feel about Aaron’s behavior?
What have you found helpful when waiting on God?
At this time, allow me to go ahead and read for you what the commentary had to say about chapter 32 as a whole. It said, (READ COMMENTARY)
Now, before we move on, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well, if there is nothing else, we will move on and take a look at our next section for tonight. As we get started with this chapter, when you get to Heaven, what questions would you ask God or other people there?
Well, in this next chapter, we see a couple small sections, and then we see Moses asking God some questions. So, whoever has the next two keys, go ahead and read them for us please. (READ 33:1-11, 12-23)
Why would Moses seek God’s face at a time like this?
What were the people expecting in verses 7-11?
What does meeting God as a friend mean for Moses?
What does meeting God as a friend mean for you?
How can you more fully enjoy His friendship?
In the last section of that chapter, what 3 concerns does Moses bring to God?
What does the presence or lack of God mean to Moses and the Israelites?
Why does God set limits in Moses being able to see Him?
Describe a time when, while doing something for God, you were confident that His presence was with you?
When have you gone to God in a time of great distress? How has He helped?
At this time, let me go ahead and read the commentary for chapter 33. It says, (READ COMMENTARY)
Now, before we move on, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well, if there is nothing else, we will move on and take a look at our last chapter for tonight. When you were a child, after they had punished you, how did your parents let you know that they still loved you?
Also, when you break something, when do you usually replace it?
Well, let’s go ahead and take a look at this first section of chapter 34. Whoever has the last two keys, go ahead and read them for us please. (READ 34:1-14, 15-28)
Why was it important to have a new set of stone tablets?
How is God able to both punish and forgive sin? (Isaiah 53)
Moses was again gone for 40 days. What do you suppose the Israelites did this time while he was gone?
What are the other gods of today that we are tempted to follow?
What can you do to remove them from your midst?
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we move on and finish this chapter?
Well, if there is nothing else, I will go ahead and finish reading our last section of chapter 34. (READ 34:29-35)
Why does Moses’ face shine?
For whose sake is Moses’ face veiled?
Why is that veil lifted when Moses is in the presence of God?
What are some ways that we tend to veil ourselves or God?
At this time, allow me to go ahead and read for you what the commentary had to say about chapter 34. It says, (READ COMMENTARY)
Now before we close tonight, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well, if there is nothing else, for next time, we are going to take a brief look at chapters 35, 36, 37, 38, and most of 39. And then we will most of our time on the last part of chapter 39, and then look at chapter 40. So, next time, we will finish the book of Exodus.
Announcements/Prayer Concerns
Let’s Pray!