Good evening. As we continue to work our way through Genesis, tonight we come to chapters 21 and 22. Now this will be the last time we meet until January, due to wedding preparations and the honeymoon. But tonight, here in these chapters, we are mainly introduced to the birth of Isaac, and then the testing of Abraham. Go ahead and turn with me to Genesis chapters 21 and 22.
While you are turning there, let me open with a word of prayer.
Let me start by asking how the idea of living to 100 sounds to you?
Well, in tonight’s chapters, we find that Abraham does live to 100 plus, and we also find that in his 100th year of life, his wife Sarah, who is 90, gives birth to his son Isaac. Let’s go ahead and take a look at chapter 21 at this time. Whoever has those first 2 keys go ahead and read them for us at this time please. (READ)
As recorded in Genesis chapter 16, Abraham and Sarah practiced a common custom of their day. Since Sarah was childless, she gave Abraham her maidservant Hagar to bear a child in order to continue the family line. Now, about 14 years after Ishmael was born, the Lord gives Abraham and Sarah the son He had long before promised them.
Well, at this time, I want to work our way through this section with some questions that will help us to understand this passage a little better. Because of these next couple of chapters being very well known, we are not going to spend a whole lot of time on them unless you have questions or other input. So let’s take a look at the questions that I have:
First off, what does this story reveal about God’s faithfulness?
Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old when their son was born. How do you think they were feeling at this point?
Okay, let’s shift gears, how do you suppose Hagar felt about the arrival of Isaac?
From Sarah’s perspective, why must Hagar and Ishmael be sent away?
Likewise, why does God think that they must be sent away?
If you were Hagar, how would you have felt when you heard what Sarah had planned for you?
Bu the neat thing that we see here is that God still stepped in and protected them. God intervened by providing for Hagar and Ishmael’s immediate need. What lesson can we apply from this?
Okay, here are a couple of personal application questions. For the first one, I want you to just think about your answer. If you want to share it with the group feel free to, but you don’t have to.
Like Hagar, where do you need God’s comforting in your life right now?
And finally, what long-awaited event brought you the most joy?
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add about this passage? ________________________________________________________________________
Well, if there is nothing else, we still have a few more verses left to chapter 21 to cover. Before we read that, let me ask you a question. Have any of you ever planted a tree as a memorial?
Well, in this passage, we see that Abraham goes back and he plants a tree as a kind of memorial. Whoever has the next key, if you could go ahead and read the rest of chapter 21 for us, that would be great. (READ)
Why would Abimelech ask Abraham not toe deal falsely with him?
Is he justified in these concerns? (Yes, See chapter 20)
Okay, and finally, just think about this question for a moment. Have you made any agreements or promises that you have not kept? And how can you still fulfill your end of the agreement?
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add about that small section? ________________________________________________________________________
Well, if there is nothing else, let’s get ready to move to chapter 22. In this chapter, we are only going to cover verses 1 through 19, because the rest of the chapter just does some more genealogy stuff. Before we take a look at this passage, What possession that you have would be the hardest to give up?
Okay, and how stressed out do or did you get about having to take tests?
Well, in this chapter, we find Abraham facing the most difficult test that anyone could ever face. He is faced with sacrificing his one and only son. Whoever has the last 2 keys, go ahead and read them at this time. (READ)
Well, after years of waiting, Abraham at age 100 and Sarah at age 90, finally have the son that God had promised them all those years ago. In this story God gives Abraham an amazing and extremely difficult assignment. He is asked to sacrifice and kill this child that they have waited so long for. What is even more amazing than the request is the response that Abraham gives. He actually attempts to go through with it.
Why did Abraham take Isaac to the altar?
What do you learn from Abraham’s prompt, obedient actions?
Do you think that Abraham would have actually killed Isaac? Why? (See Hebrews 11:17-19)
Why does God wait until the very last second to stop Abraham?
What did God want from Abraham?
What do you think Isaac learned from this experience?
How does this story remind you of Jesus? (Jesus compared to Isaac. Jesus compared to the lamb substitute.)
Okay, here are a few personal application questions to end our time together for tonight.
How do you think you would have done in the same situation?
Where do you sense God testing or challenging you in your life?
What have you found helpful when facing testing?
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we close? (Verse 5. “We will come back to you”)
Well, if there is nothing else, I will close with a word of prayer. Remember, we will not meet for the next 2 weeks due to wedding preparations and my honeymoon, but we will pick up with chapters 23 and 24 on January 3rd. So try and read up on those chapters for at that time. I’ll pray, and then we will be dismissed.
Let’s Pray |