Genesis Chapters 31-32

Good evening.  Tonight we are going to work our way through Genesis chapters 31 and 32.  If you want to go ahead and turn there, I will open our time with a word of prayer.


Let’s Pray.


Well, tonight we have a rather large selection of scripture to look at.  In fact, chapter 31 is 55 verses long, but we are still going to try and get through 2 chapters because then we have chapter 32 that isn’t very long at all.  So, what we are going to do this evening is read the sections, have some questions about each of the sections, and then I will finish by reading what my commentary has to say about each chapter.  If at any point you have anything that you would like to add, go ahead and add to our discussion.


The first passage of scripture that we will look at tonight will be chapter 31 verses 1-21.  In this section we will read about Jacob fleeing from Laban.  So, as we begin, as a kid, did you ever try and run away from home?  Why?  And how far did you make it?


Well, let’s go ahead and read about how Jacob tried to run away from home or from Laban.  And let’s see what happened.  Whoever has the first 2 keys, go ahead and read them at this time.  (READ)




Well, it has been 20 years since Jacob came to his Uncle Laban.  In exchange for marrying Laban’s 2 daughters, Jacob worked for Laban for 14 years.  The next 6 years found Jacob and Laban trying to out-smart each other in the growth of their individual herds of livestock.  So, let’s work our way through this passage.


Why did Jacob decide to leave for Canaan?


Why did Jacob run away without telling Laban?


In what way can you relate to Jacob?


What do you usually do when you face challenges like Jacob did?


What have you found helpful when facing difficult challenges in your life?


If you could advise Jacob, what would you tell him about his relationship with Laban?


Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we move on?


Well, if there is nothing else, let’s now move out attention to Genesis 31:22-55.  To do that though, answer me a couple of questions first.  Where did you hide your secret treasures when you were a child?


Okay, and when was a time that you got caught “with your hand in the cookie jar?”


Well, in this next passage, we see Laban pursuing Jacob.  Whoever has the next 3 keys go ahead and read them for us please.  (READ)


Now, after years of conflict with Laban, Jacob was called by God to return to his homeland.  With the support of his wives Rachel and Leah, Jacob fled with his family and his possessions.  Something Jacob didn’t know was that Rachel had stolen her father’s “household gods”, small portable idols.  At this time, let’s work our way through this section of scripture.

Why do you think Laban went after Jacob?


Laban would have been able to overtake and overpower Jacob.  But why doesn’t he, and how does God intervene?


What did God’s warning to Laban mean?


What did Rachel’s theft of her father’s household gods say about her?


How do you feel about how this passage ends?


How are you at resolving conflict?


What is a needed lesson from this story for your own life?

Well, now that we have finished reading the 55 verses that are in Genesis chapter 31, let me now read for you what the commentary has to say about this chapter as a whole.  Here is what it says, (READ COMMENTARY)


Now, before we move on, does anyone have anything that they would like to add about this passage?


Well, if there is nothing else, let’s get ready to take a look at chapter 32.  We are going to examine this passage in 2 sections.  In the first, we will see Jacob getting ready to be reunited with his brother Esau, and in the second section we will see Jacob wrestling with God.  Now before we look at this passage, answer me this one question.  As a kid, who can you remember trying to “butter up,” and why?


Well, let’s go ahead and read the first part of our text.  Whoever has the next key, go ahead and read it for us at this time please.  (READ)


Well, 20 years ago, Jacob had deceitfully stolen the firstborn’s blessing their father intended for Jacob’s brother Esau.  Hearing of Esau’s threats to kill him, Jacob fled to the land his family had come from.  He has just parted from his father-in-law Laban and now, with his wives, children, and possessions, he is about to return home to face his brother.  Let’s go ahead and work our way through this passage, and then I will read what my commentary has to say about it, and then we will be dismissed for the evening.


Why did Jacob send a message ahead to Esau?


How do you feel about the way Jacob prepared to meet Esau?


How do you think Jacob felt as he anticipated his reunion with Esau?


How would you have responded to Jacob if you were Esau?


When have you, like Jacob, prepared to meet someone expecting the worse?  What happened?


What helps you overcome fear in your life?


What do you need to apply from Jacob’s prayer to your own prayer life?


For Jacob, is 20 years away from Esau enough time to heal old wounds?


Why do you think Esau brings 400 men with him?


Does anyone have anything that they would like to add?


Well, let’s move on and finish out text for this evening.  But first, describe for me your most mysterious encounter with God.

Alright, whoever has the last key, go ahead and read that for us at this time.  (READ)


After being gone many years, Jacob is on his way home.  He knows Esau, from whom he fled earlier, is coming along with 400 men to meet him.  After preparing many gifts, Jacob spends the night alone.  During the night, Jacob spends the night alone.  During the night, Jacob wrestles with God himself in the form of an angel.  In light of this encounter, God gives Jacob, which means, “he deceives” a new name, Israel, which means, “he struggles with God.”


Both the patriarch and the nation Israel are characterized as those who struggle with God and men and overcome.


Why do you think that God choose to wrestles with Jacob?


Why do you think God wrenched Jacob’s hip?


How can you relate to this story?


How have you discovered who you really are?


What is one struggle you have had that you can see has resulted in some good.  How did it help you to grow spiritually?


Where are you in your “wrestling match” with God?

Okay, why do you think Jacob chooses to be alone on the eve of Esau’s arrival?


In what sense does this story summarize Jacob’s life?


The name “Israel” means “he struggles with God.”  What name might God give you?


At this time, let me wrap this chapter up by reading what my commentary has to say.  It says, (READ)


Does anyone have anything that they would like to add this evening before we close?


Well if there is nothing else, for next week we are going to be looking at Genesis chapters 33 and 34.  So if you want to read ahead and be ready for discussion, that is what you can read.  Genesis chapters 33 and 34.


At this time I will have a word of prayer, and we will be dismissed.  Let’s pray.

About Me:
I am a 2006 graduate from Kentucky
Christian University with a major in
Preaching, and a minor in Youth
Ministry. It was in college that I met,
fell in love with, and eventually
married my best friend, and now
my wife, Nellie. I am currently
serving as the Senior Minister of
the Fly Branch Church of Christ in
Vanceburg Kentucky, where I have
been for the past five adn a half
years. I began my ministry at Fly
Branch as the Youth Minister in my
second year of College. After a
short time there became the need
for me to fill the Senior Ministry
position, and God blessed me to be
able to do that. Ever since then, I
have been preaching God’s word
both to the adults, and with the
assistance of my wife, to the youth
as well. My future plans are to follow
God in whatever direction He leads
me and my family.
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