Genesis Chapters 46-48

Good evening.  Tonight we are going to get one step closer to being finished with the book of Genesis.  Last week we were able to look at chapters 43-45.  This week we are going to take a look at chapters 46-48.  And if we are able to get through these 3 chapter, we will finish up next week with Genesis chapters 49 and 50.  so let’s get ready and jump right in tonight.


Before we get started though, let’s begin with a word of prayer.  Let’s Pray!


If you had to move to a different country to live, what country would you choose?


Okay, if you were moving, what would you take with you, everything, or would you choose certain things?


Well in this first section that we are going to read this evening, we see Jacob moving to be with his long lost son Joseph.  He ends up taking everything with him.  Let’s go ahead and read chapter 47.  Now we are actually going to skip over the genealogy section of this chapter, and then read into the first part of chapter 47 as well.  So whoever has the first 2 keys, go ahead and read them for us at this time please.  (READ)


Well, in this first section that we took a look at, we skipped over the genealogy section of it.  As I have said before, I would encourage you to read that passage, just to familiarize yourself with the names and who they are related to.  Other than that, in this first passage for tonight, we see Jacob going to Egypt to see his long lost son.

Here at the beginning of this passage, what frame of mind do you think Jacob is in?


How can you tell (Verses 1-4)?


How does God address or speak to these concerns of Jacob’s?


How does Joseph pave the way for his family’s reception by Pharaoh (Verses 31-34)?


In the interview that followed, in verses 47:1-10, how do these pilgrim people conduct themselves on alien turf before a powerful person like Pharaoh?


Well, all of this was done because God wanted them to altar their lifestyles.  When God wants you to altar your lifestyle, what does He usually do?


How does He get your attention?


What does this story of Joseph and his family tell you about the importance that God places on the family relationship?


Okay, Jacob had one wish, to see Joseph while he was still alive.  God granted that wish, and before Jacob died, he was able to see his son Joseph once more.  What one wish would you like to see come true before you die?

Well, that’s all that I had from that chapter.  The commentary I have combines chapters 46 and 47 together, and so when we finish chapter 47 I will read what it has to say.


But, does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we move on to the rest of chapter 47?


Well, if there is nothing else, let’s move on to take a look at the lesson that is behind the rest of chapter 47.  To do that, answer me this question: If you had to pawn something for quick cash, what would be the first thing you would pawn?  Why?


Well, as we take a look at the rest of chapter 47, we see the people really getting hit hard by this famine.  After giving all of their money away, they have to resort to other ways to pay for the food they need.  Let’s take a look at what they do.  Whoever has the next key, go ahead and read it for us please.  (READ)

How severe are the next few years of the famine that we just read about?


Okay, after reading that passage, we see that the people ran out of money, so they moved to their livestock.  When that was all gone, they resorted to selling their land and their freedom as well.  It was the price that they would pay to be able to stay alive.


Loyalty and kindness were 2 of Joseph’s strengths, however, he played them inconsistently.  Of loyalty and kindness, which one is your strong suit, and why do you think so?


Of the 3 things that the people of Egypt relinquished to Pharaoh, money, property, and independence, which would have been the easiest for you to give up?


Which one would have been the hardest?


At this time, let me read for you what my commentary had to say about chapters 46 and 47.  Here is what it says, (READ COMMENTARY)


Before we move on to chapter 48, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?


Well, if there is nothing else, on to chapter 48.  Here in this chapter we are going to read about the sons of Joseph, these are some of Jacob’s grandchildren.  Before we move on though, what is a favored memory that you have about your grandparents?


Well, let’s go ahead and read this chapter.  Whoever has the last 2 keys, go ahead and read them for us at this time please.  (READ)


Alright, here in this chapter, we see Jacob passing on a blessing before he dies.  But once again, things don’t go as accustom.  What happens when Jacob passes on these blessings?


This pattern went all throughout the book of Genesis.  What do you make of this unconventional pattern?  (God blesses who He wants, not who is thought to get it.)


What can this teach us about how God chooses His servants?


Okay, let me read for you a passage from Hebrews 11:21.  Listen to this, “By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph’s sons, and worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff.”


Now, out of all the events in Jacob’s 147 years, why do you think this one act of blessing Joseph’s sons is singled out by the writer of Hebrews as an example of outstanding faith?  (He was about to die, yet he worshiped and blessed others just as God wanted him to.)


If Hebrews chapter 11 were to include you in it’s “Hall Of Faith,” what event of your life would stand out as evidence of great faith?


Verses 15 and 16 Jacob talks about God being his guide and his shepherd, so, in what way has God guided you?

Well, the commentary that I have, combines chapters 38 and 39 together, and so we will wait until next week to see what the commentary has to say about these chapters.  But, before we close this evening, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?


Well, if there is nothing else, then next week we will finish up the book of Genesis by looking at chapters 49 and 50.


Prayer Concerns/Announcements


Let’s Pray

About Me:
I am a 2006 graduate from Kentucky
Christian University with a major in
Preaching, and a minor in Youth
Ministry. It was in college that I met,
fell in love with, and eventually
married my best friend, and now
my wife, Nellie. I am currently
serving as the Senior Minister of
the Fly Branch Church of Christ in
Vanceburg Kentucky, where I have
been for the past five adn a half
years. I began my ministry at Fly
Branch as the Youth Minister in my
second year of College. After a
short time there became the need
for me to fill the Senior Ministry
position, and God blessed me to be
able to do that. Ever since then, I
have been preaching God’s word
both to the adults, and with the
assistance of my wife, to the youth
as well. My future plans are to follow
God in whatever direction He leads
me and my family.
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