Good evening. Tonight we are going to continue to work our way through the next few chapters of Genesis. Last week we were supposed to look at Genesis chapters 41-44, and instead we looked just at chapters 41 and 42. For this week I told you to be ready to discuss chapters 43 and 44. Well guess what, after getting things ready this week, I decided to look at chapter 45 as well.
If we are able to get through these 3 chapters, we will be 5 chapters away from finishing the book of Genesis. Now before we move on this evening, let me open our time with a word of prayer. Let’s Pray!
What is the fanciest meal that you have ever had?
Well, in this first chapter that we take a look at this evening, we are going to see Joseph and his brothers sharing in a good meal. We can find this story in Genesis chapter 43. Whoever has the first 2 keys go ahead and read them for us pleas. (READ)
Okay, as we look at this passage, why do you think Judah successful in getting Jacob to send the boy when Rueben’s similar offer of safety and certainty was rejected? (He was also suppose to take care of his other brother Joseph, but lost him.)
How does Jacob compare with Abraham in their willingness to lose a beloved son (chapter 22)? (Abraham was willing if that was what God wanted, Jacob was not.)
Why do you think Joseph takes his brothers to his own house and has a meal with them (v.16)?
What do the brothers think will happen there (v. 18)?
Why do you think that Joseph still chooses to not reveal himself to his brothers, even at the right moment of having Benjamin revealed to him (v. 29-)?
What is one lesson that you can take from this passage?
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add about this passage before we move on and take a look at the next chapter?
Well, if there is nothing else, we will move on and take a look at chapter 44. Here in this chapter, we see the brothers get falsely accused and brought back to prison. Before we read this chapter, What was something valuable you lost or misplaced?
Did you ever find it, and if not, did you replace it?
Well in this chapter, we see Joseph lose a special cup that he had. The only difference is, that Joseph is the one who planted this cup on his brothers. Let’s go ahead and read chapter 44 at this time. Whoever has the next 2 keys go ahead and read them now. (READ)
In the scheme of things, why does Joseph place the silver cup in Benjamin’s sack? (One, he was the youngest, and two, he wanted to see his father once more as well?)
Okay, Joseph’s men come and find the brothers, how do the brothers respond when the cup is found?
How great of a sacrifice is Judah willing to make at this point?
For who is he willing to make this sacrifice? Himself? His brothers? His father? Why do you think so?
Well, as we look at these passages here, we realize that Joseph was still seeking reconciliation from his brothers. Now, I want you just to think about these next 2 questions. They will be personal questions for you, so just think about these questions for a moment, and then I will have you answer me a question regarding them.
Where, like Joseph, have you given “your brothers” so to speak, the chance to prove themselves or be reconciled?
And now, with who do you still hold out hope for reconciliation?
Now, answer me this question: what hope does this story give you in those other two situations?
Well, at this time let me read for you what my commentary has to say about Genesis chapters 42-44. Last week we looked at chapter 42, and the commentary put these 3 chapters together. Here is what it had to say about chapters 42, 43, and 44.
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we move on?
Well, if there is nothing else, I think we have enough time to get through one more chapter. So let’s move on and take a look at chapter 45. Before we move on, who is someone you haven’t seen in a long time that you would like to see again?
Well, in this chapter, we see Joseph reveal himself to his brothers. Whoever has the last 2 keys, go ahead and read them for us at this time please. (READ)
Joseph went from slave to prisoner to second in command of all Egypt. When Joseph’s brothers came to buy grain, he recognized them, but they did not know he was their brother. He refused to let them buy more grain unless they returned with Benjamin, Joseph’s only full brother. Later, when Joseph sent them on their way again, he had his own silver cup planted in Benjamin’s sack. When Joseph declared Benjamin’s punishment would be to become his slave, the others fell down and begged for mercy.
If you were visited b a loved one who came back 22 years later, what proof would you need to prove they were who they said they were?
Why did Joseph wait so long to reveal his true identity to his brothers?
If you had been one of Joseph’s brothers, how would you have felt when he revealed himself?
Joseph saw God in control of every aspect of his life. How much is this your attitude in relation to the trials that you face?
Well, at this time, let me read for you what the commentary has to say about chapter 45. Listen to this, it says: (READ COMMENTARY)
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we close for this evening?
Well, if there is nothing else, for next week we are going to take a look at chapters 46 and 47.
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