As we continue to work our way through the book of Mark, we now come to chapter 13. And as we take a look at this chapter, let’s go ahead and jump right into it. Whoever has the next 2 keys, go ahead and read them for us please. (READ 13:1-17; 13:18-37)
If you knew that the world was going to end in 6 months, how would you live your life differently?
How do you think the disciples felt as Jesus was describing the destruction of Jerusalem, signs of the end, and the persecution of Christians?
How does this passage make you feel?
Upon hearing this news, what 2 questions do the disciples ask?
What events might deceive them into thinking that the end times had come?
What promises does Jesus give in verses 30-31?
Why do you think the Father has kept the time a secret (verse 32)?
What is the responsibility of believers in the meantime?
What is the most exciting thing to you about the Second Coming?
What is the most distressing thing about the Second Coming?
How can we fulfill verses 33 and 37: “Be on guard! Be alert…Watch!”?
At this time, allow me to read for you what the commentary had to say about this chapter. It said, (READ COMMENTARY)
Now, before we close this evening, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well, if there is nothing else, for next week, we will take a look at Mark chapters 14 and 15. And then in the following week, we will look at chapter 16, and do a review of the books of Exodus and Mark!
Announcements/Prayer Concerns
Let’s Pray!