Mark Chapters 6-7

Good evening.  This evening we are going to continue to work our way through the book of Mark. So far we have taken a look at Mark chapters 1-5.  Tonight, we are going to discuss chapters 6 and 7.


But before we do that, allow me to begin with a word of prayer.  Let’s Pray!


At this time, let’s go ahead and jump right into the first section of chapter 6.  Whoever has that first key, go ahead and read that please.  (READ 6:1-13)


What kind of response did Jesus get when He went to His hometown?  Why?

Why couldn’t Jesus do much while He was there?

Who in your family over-packs for a trip?


Well, in this section, we find that Jesus sends out the 12, but He tells them to take nothing with them.


Why did Jesus tell them to take nothing with them?

What 3 tasks that characterized Jesus’ ministry did He send the disciples out to do?

What does this tell you about the kingdom of God?

What is the significance of shaking off the dust from their sandals when they leave a town that has not received them?


Does anyone have anything that they would like to add?

Well, if there is nothing else, we will move on and take a look at the next section about the beheading of John the Baptist.  Before we do that though: If you were granted one wish for your next birthday, what would you wish for?


Well, in this passage, we see this girl ask for something that is out of the ordinary.  Whoever has the next key, go ahead and read that for us please.  (READ 6:14-29)


Imagine a giant banquet hall where King Herod is sitting at a drunken feast.  Herodias, his wife, is sitting next to him.  Off in prison is John the Baptist, who dared to tell the king that is was wrong to marry his brother’s wife.  Herod faces a moral dilemma after his stepdaughter performs a dance for him and his guests.  He grants her one wish, and she asks for John the Baptist to be killed.


So, why include this story here at this point?  Jesus sends out the 12, John beheaded, the 12 report back?


Of the people involved in the death of John the Baptist, who do you hold most reasonable?


Why didn’t Herod want John the Baptist killed?

Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we move on?


Well, if that is all, we will go ahead and move on to the next section of this chapter.  This next section is a very familiar passage, as it is recorded in all of the gospels.  It is the feeding of the five thousand.  And let’s just go ahead and jump right into this passage.  Whoever has the next key, go ahead and red that.  (RED 6:30-44)


Now, keep in mind that this miracle occurred when the disciples and Jesus were taking a “vacation.”  They had just returned from a demanding ministry assignment, and Jesus invites them to take a break by sailing to a different place on the small Sea of Galilee.


When Jesus said, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”  If you were one of the disciples, what would you expect to happen?


Surprise!  There are 5,000 plus people there waiting for you.  Now how do you feel?

What was the lesson to be learned here?

Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we move on?


Well, if there is nothing else, we will move on and finish up this chapter by taking a look at Jesus walking on the water.  Whoever has the next key, go ahead and read that for us please.  (READ 6:45-56)


How do the disciples respond when Jesus walks to them on the water?

In what area in you life do you need to hear Jesus say to you, “Don’t be afraid.”?


At this time, allow me to read for you what the commentary has to say about chapter 6 as a whole.  It says, (READ COMMENTARY)


Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we move on to the next chapter?


Well, if there is nothing else, we will go ahead and take a look at chapter 7 tonight as well.  And we will go ahead and jump right into that chapter.  So, whoever has the next key, go ahead and read that for us please.  (READ 7:1-23)


What is the issue debated by the Pharisees and Jesus?

What does this illustration that Jesus mentioned illustrate about the way that traditions twist the word of God or the law?


How does Jesus’ view of being unclean differ from that of the Pharisees?

What is it that makes a person unclean?

Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we move on?


Well, if that is all, we will go ahead and wrap up our discussion for this evening.  Whoever has the last key, go ahead and read that now.  (READ 7:24-37)


How does the woman’s reply show her faith?

What message is Jesus giving by healing this first woman?

Why do you think Jesus used this method to heal the man in the second story?

What else sticks out to you from these 2 stories?


At this time, allow me to read for you what the commentary had to say about chapter 7.  It says, (READ COMMENTARY)


Now, before we close this evening, does anyone have anything else that they would like to add or discuss?


Well, if there is nothing else, for next week we are going to take a look at chapters 8 and 9.


Announcements/Prayer Concerns

Let’s Pray!


About Me:
I am a 2006 graduate from Kentucky
Christian University with a major in
Preaching, and a minor in Youth
Ministry. It was in college that I met,
fell in love with, and eventually
married my best friend, and now
my wife, Nellie. I am currently
serving as the Senior Minister of
the Fly Branch Church of Christ in
Vanceburg Kentucky, where I have
been for the past five adn a half
years. I began my ministry at Fly
Branch as the Youth Minister in my
second year of College. After a
short time there became the need
for me to fill the Senior Ministry
position, and God blessed me to be
able to do that. Ever since then, I
have been preaching God’s word
both to the adults, and with the
assistance of my wife, to the youth
as well. My future plans are to follow
God in whatever direction He leads
me and my family.
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