As we continue to work our way through the book of Mark, we now come to chapter 5. Before we take a look at this chapter, answer me this one question. How do you usually feel when you are crowded into an elevator with a lot of other people?
Well, as we take a look at this passage, we see a couple of people stand out to Jesus in the crowd. Whoever has the last 2 keys, go ahead and read them for us please. (5:1-20, 21-43)
How do you think the demon possessed man felt about meeting Jesus?
In the interplay between the demons and Jesus, what do we learn about demons?
Why were the people afraid when they saw the demon possessed man sitting there, dressed, and in his right mind?
Why did the people ask Jesus to leave?
Well, on the way to the house of a man whose daughter was dying, Jesus encounters a woman who suffered from chronic bleeding. Her affliction was social as well as physical. But Jesus heals and confronts her in her time of need?
What is the longest you have had to suffer with a physical ailment?
What do you think gave the woman the courage to touch Jesus’ clothes?
Why did Jesus ask who had touched Him?
Of all the people pressing for Jesus’ attention, 2 get it. Why?
What obstacles did Jairus and the bleeding woman have to overcome to reach out to Jesus for help?
Jairus, the synagogue ruler, fell on his knees at Jesus’ feet and begged Him to heal his daughter. When was the last time that you feel at Jesus’ feet and begged Him for help?
At this time, allow me to read for you what the commentary had to say about chapter 5. It says, (READ COMMENTARY)
Now, before we close this evening, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well, if there is nothing else, for next week, we will be taking a look at Mark chapters 6-7 or 8.
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