Good evening. Tonight we are going to be taking a look at our next 2 chapters from the book of Mark. Tonight, we are looking at chapters 8 and 9. But before we do that, allow me to begin our time with a word of prayer. Let’s Pray!
As we get started, how did your parents complete this sentence, “How many times do I have to tell you…”?
Well, in this first section of chapter 8, we see the disciples in a situation like they were in last week. Whoever has the first key, go ahead and read that for us please. (READ 8:1-21)
Now, Jesus had previously fed over 5,000 people right in front of the disciple’s eyes. Why do you think it was important to Mark to incorporate both of these stories in this?
How do the disciples interpret Jesus’ comments in the second part of this section?
Do you ever doubt Jesus to be able to meet your needs? Why or when?
Does anyone have anything they would like to add about this passage?
Well, if there is nothing else, we will move on and take a look at the next section. As we approach that passage, if you lost your sight, what would you miss seeing the most?
Well, at this time, I will go ahead and read the next section. It is (READ 8:22-26)
Why did Jesus take the man out of the village before He healed him?
Why did Jesus heal this man in stages?
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add about this passage?
Well, if there is nothing else, we will move on and finish this chapter. What do you usually do when someone says something that you don’t want to hear?
Well, whoever has the next key, go ahead and read that please. (READ 8:27-9:1)
Why is the question, “Who do you say that I am?” so important?
Who did the people of Jesus’ day think He was?
Who do people say Jesus is today?
Why does Jesus react so strongly to Peter?
At this time, allow me to read for you what the commentary has to say about chapter 8 as a whole. It says, (READ COMMENTARY)
Now, before we move on, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well, if that is all, let’s go ahead and move on to chapter 9. In this next Bible story, we see Jesus take 3 disciples on and incredible mountain trip. Here in the Transfiguration, God affirms again that Jesus is his beloved Son. Whoever has the next key, go ahead and read that passage for us. (READ 9:2-13)
What stands out to you the most in this story?
Why was Peter’s response to what he had just seen inappropriate?
What questions would you be asking if you were in this story?
When you are really scared, what do you usually do?
What have you found to be helpful in listening to God?
Does anyone have anything else that they would like to add?
Well, if there is nothing else, we will move on and take a look at the next section of chapter 9. And let’s go ahead and jump right into that passage. Whoever has that next key, go ahead and read that please. (READ 9:14-32)
As the boy’s father, how would you feel during this argument?
Have you ever felt like this father, saying one minute, “I do believe…” and the next minute saying, “…help me overcome my unbelief.”?
What kind of doubts hit you the hardest?
What have you found helpful in dealing with doubt?
Does anyone have anything else that they would like to add?
Well, if that is all, we will go ahead and finish this chapter up. Whoever has the last key, go ahead and read that. (READ 9:33-50)
As a disciple, how would you have felt as Jesus asked about the argument?
Why were the disciples concerned about which of them was the greatest?
As we move to the last part of that section, what is Jesus’ point with using this example of cutting off parts of your body?
Now, this last question is just one for you to think about. Think about this question, and then begin to do things in your life to accomplish the answer. And the question is, “Short of amputating body parts, what do you need to cut out of your life in order to avoid sin?”
At this time, allow me to read for you what the commentary has to say about chapter 9. It says, (READ COMMENTARY)
Now, before we close this evening, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well, if that is all, for next week we will be looking at chapters 10 and 11.
Announcements/Prayer Concerns
Let’s Pray!