Good evening. Tonight, we are going to talk about an issue that I believe affects all of us as Christians. And after taking a look at some of the things that you all struggle with from this morning, it is an issue that appeared a couple of times.
As we get started, do you spend more time with believers, or non-believers?
Why is that?
Well, in Matthew 9:10-13 it says, “1”
Now, let me ask you this, how often do you share your faith with those non-believers?
And why is that?
Well, in our time together this evening, I want us to take a look at 5 things we must do in order to reach people with the Gospel. If you have your Bibles with you, you can go ahead and turn with me to Luke 19:1-10.
And as you are doing that, I will open with a word of prayer. Let’s Pray!
Luke 19:1-10 says, “2”
Howard Hendricks said, “In the midst of a generation screaming for answers, Christians are stuttering.”
What do you think he means by that, or why would he say that?
Bill Bright, Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, said, “Millions of surveys which we have helped to take around the world indicate that approximately 98 percent of the Christians do not regularly introduce others to the Savior.”
And with so few believers actively sharing their faith, we must get back to the heart of Christ’s mission and passion so that the church can be the voice of truth to those who are lost. Tonight, we are going to take a look at an encounter that Zacchaeus had with Jesus. As we look at this passage, we will learn 5 very important things that we must do in order to reach people for Christ.
First, as we look at verses 1-5, we see that Jesus sought him.
Luke 19:1-5 says, “2”
So, when you avoid people that are “sinners,” you are doing the exact opposite of what Jesus would do. As we look at this passage, we learn that we need to go after people that are outside of Christ. They are looking for hope and answers, and we are the ones that can give them that hope, and supply them with God’s answers.
Jesus was looking for Zacchaeus more than Zacchaeus was looking for Jesus! And Jesus is looking for lost sinners today more than lost sinners are looking for Him! Verse 10 tells us that, “2”
Paul Harvey once said, “Too many Christians are no longer fishers of men but keepers of the aquarium.”
Jesus never called us to keep status quo, He called us to go and find the people that need Him, and share the gospel with them. So, Jesus sought out Zacchaeus
Secondly, verse 5 reveals to us that Jesus cared for him.
Again, verse 5 says, “2”
You see, Jesus cared enough about Zacchaeus to have him come down, and get to know him better. When it comes to us today, we must care enough to find out more about those outside of the church. In this passage, Jesus called Zacchaeus by name. If we don’t care for the lost then we are sinning against God.
James 4:17 says, “Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.”
Why is it important for us to get to know the people that we are ministering to?
(People don’t care so much about how much you know, but they will know how much you care.)
So, Jesus sought out Zacchaeus, and He cared for him enough to get to know him.
The third thing that we learn, is that Jesus fellowshipped with him.
Verses 5 and 6 tell us that, “2”
Why is fellowshipping with them so important?
When we do, what do we have to watch out for?
Well, in order to have an impact in someone’s life, we must be willing to go to them, into their homes, into their culture, into their circles. Paul once said in I Corinthians 9:19-22 that, “3”
So, Paul goes where “sinners” are, and he ministered to them there. The thing to keep in mind is that as we do that, we still have to be separate in our actions. We are to be in the world, but not of it.
Once again, notice with whom Jesus would fellowship with. Matthew 9:9-13 says, “1”
In the show All In The Family, Archie is complaining, as Archie commonly did. He says to Edith, “That’s you all right. Edith, the Good. You’ll stoop to anything to be good. You never make nobody mad. You think it’s easy living with a saint? Even when you cheat you don’t cheat to win. You cheat to lose. Edith you ain’t human.”
At that, Edith says, “That’s a terrible thing to say, Archie Bunker. I am just as human as you are.” Archie responds, “Oh, yeah? Then prove you’re just as human as me. Do something rotten.”
Well, we live in an Archie Bunker world but as Christians, we must operate like Edith Bunker. Be in the world but not of the world!
So, once again, Jesus sought out Zacchaeus, He cared for him, and now we find that He fellowshipped with him.
Next, we learn that Jesus shared the truth with him.
In verses 8 and 9 it says, “2”
We must be willing to share with people the truths of God!
So how do we do that?
Well, as Christians, we exist to call people to be followers of Jesus. The truth changed Zacchaeus and the truth can change the lives of everyone who is willing to hear it.
A missionary mother wanted her children to know the importance of sharing their faith with lost people. One day, 10 year old Ryan was driving imaginary race cars with his friends. Several minutes later he came bounding into the house and yelled, “Mom, you’ve got to come quick. Isabelle wants to accept Jesus into her heart.”
Skeptical of the child’s sudden interest in spiritual things, Susie asked, “Ryan, I thought you were playing race cars?”
“We were, Mom, but our cars wrecked. The accident was real bad so I asked Isabelle if she would go to Heaven if she died. She said she didn’t know. I told her how she could know and she wants to ask Jesus into her heart.”
You know what, I don’t know what your idea of evangelism is, but it doesn’t have to involve beating someone over the head with the Bible. There are many other ways that we can share the truth of God with them.
The sad thing is, sometimes, we never get to that point. We have plenty of friend who are non-Christians, but we never take the chance to share our faith with them.
So, once again, Jesus sought out Zacchaeus, He cared for him, He fellowshipped with him, and He shared the truth with him.
And finally, Jesus taught him how to live and how to give.
In verses 8 though 10, it says, “2”
The word of God is about making disciples that know how to live for Christ obediently and to give in Christ honestly!
Jesus taught Zacchaeus how to live honestly.
And Jesus taught Zacchaeus how to give generously.
We must teach new believers how to live for Christ and how to give to Christ. They are just like babies in a new world. They need those who have grown in Christ to show them the way. It is an eternal investment of your life into another.
S. Truett Cathy, Founder of Chick-Fil-A once said, “If you wish to enrich days, plant flowers. If you wish to enrich years, plant trees. But if you wish to enrich eternity, plant ideals in the lives of others.”
So, if we are going to reach people for Christ, then we must seek out lost people, we must care for them, we must fellowship with them, we must share the truth with them, and we must teach them how to live and how to give their lives to Christ. Follow the example of Jesus and you will be an effective witness for Christ!
Now, before we close, I have just a couple more discussion questions to address:
First, what are the reasons we personally don’t go out and tell others about Christ?
And secondly, how many of us tell ourselves that someone else can do it? After all, that is why we have ministers, right?
And finally, who’s job is it to share Christ with those you know?
Why is it so important that it comes from you?
Well, weather you believe it or not, the truth is, we are all called to fishers of men. When Jesus left, He gave us all a mission, and that mission was to seek and to save the lost.
Now, before we close this evening, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well, if there is nothing else, I would challenge you with this, think of someone you know who does not know Christ. Now give some of your attention to them, and to their need to get to know Christ. Let’s Pray! |