Good evening. Tonight we are going to take a look at The Measure Of A Strong Christian. When Samuel was sent to anoint the new king of Israel, he learned that God’s measure of a person was different than man’s way of measuring things. Go ahead and turn with me to I Samuels 16:6-7. And while you are turning there, I will open us up with a word of prayer. Let’s Pray!
I Samuel 16:6-7 says, “1”
Now that was true in the Old Testament, but guess what? The same is true today! God’s measure of a Christian is often different than that applied by many people. What I want to do this evening is take a look at some of the measures that are often used by people to evaluate one another. And then I want to consider what God’s measures are. And when we do that, I hope that we will see that God’s measures need to be ours as well.
So, we begin with the measures that are often used by people to measure one another.
What are some ways that we try and measure a person to determine whether they are a good Christian or not?
Well, those that were mentioned are certainly ways that we try and measure a person to tell whether they are a good Christian or not. At this time, allow me to share with you what I believe are the top 4 measures that we use today.
First, we try and compare ourselves to each other. We might say to ourselves, “Well, I am better than so and so, so that makes me pretty good.” The problem with measuring ourselves in this way is that God doesn’t compare us to each other. He only compares us to His perfect son, Jesus. And when we are compared to Him, we look horrible. So that is one way that we try and measure how good of Christians we are, w compare ourselves to others.
A second measure that we use is, church attendance. If we attend ALL of the services, then we must be “faithful Christians.” But let me share some thing with you, God doesn’t care how many services you attend, all He cares about is your heart. You could attend every service that 10 churches offer, and still be no more spiritual than if you attended once a week. Now don’t get me wrong, attending services is a great way to grow stronger as a Christian, but it is not an accurate way of measuring to see if you are a good Christians or not.
So have to realize that judging our spirituality based on church attendance is not an accurate measure of how good of a Christian a person is.
A third measure that I think we tend to use is, our participation in church related activities. We think that if we participate in ALL of the activities, such as Bible classes, VBS programs, choir groups, mission trips, and so on, then we truly must be “strong Christians.”
But if for ANY reason other people do not participate in all that the church offers, then that means that their “commitment” is weak. But you know what, again, God does not judge us on what we take part in. sure, He would love for us to be involved in all of those things, but it has to be with the right heart once again. So we need to stay away from the trap of measuring our spirituality based on our involvement in church related activities.
And finally, I believe that we try and measure ourselves based on our leadership abilities. MEN are considered strong Christians if they lead singing, prayers, help serve the Lord’s Supper, teach classes, preach sermons, and so on. WOMEN are considered strong Christians if they teach children’s classes, women’s classes, prepare communion, clean the building, help with other activities, and so on. But, as I think of those things, I can’t help but wonder if some do it as a way of looking like they have it all together. So we need to make sure that we are not measuring ourselves based on our leadership abilities.
Now, as I mention those four measurements that we get caught up in, what do you think could be the problem with those measures?
Well, at this time, let me share with you what I believe the main problem is with these kids of measurements. I believe that they tend to measure the outside of a man.
What do you think I mean by that?
Well, each of these measurements measures the outside of a man. People can do all these things, and still be spiritually dead on the inside. I have known some people that would fall into this category. They seem to do everything right on the outside, but on the inside they are starving. “Hypocrites” can exist very comfortably with such a measure. Christians can remain in “spiritual immaturity” if this is the only measure given to them.
We have to make sure that the way we measure ourselves is not one that is base on the outside, but rather the inside. Again, I Samuel 16:6-7 says, “1”
So, knowing all of that, what, then, ought to be the measure of a strong Christian? How do you think a Christians should be measured?
Well, I think that we can all agree that we need to start measuring ourselves by the measure that God would use. The measure of a strong Christian if found in scripture. Go ahead and turn with me to Galatians 5:22-23, and we will find one measure. Galatians 5:22-23 says, “2”
Here are some real qualities of person who is truly spiritual. These things are evidence that is truly led by the Spirit of God. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These are the things that God looks at. These are the things that come from inside a person and not outside of a man. Now a person who is truly “spiritual” will certainly be involved in various activities on the outside as well. But this measure requires that the “inner man” be changed first.
Now, turn with me to Colossians 3:12-17. Again, this measure begins with the “inner man.” But it carries over to our relationship with one another in such outward activities as Bible study and singing. Colossians 3:12-17 says, “3”
Would anyone like to share about that passage of scripture before we move on?
Well, if there is nothing else with that one, let’s also consider one other passage. And this applies to members young and old alike. They may be attending the services faithfully, but does their conduct measure them to be a strong Christian? Turn with me to Titus 2:1-8. Here in this passage it is talking all different groups of people. Listen to these words, Titus 2:1-8 says, “4”
Now, before we move on, does anyone want to add anything about that passage?
Well, if that is all, then we will move on. The last thing that I want us to take a look at is the challenges of such a measure. What do you think could be the challenge of measuring ourselves based on scripture?
Well, one of the challenges is that it emphasizes the improvement of the INSIDE of a person first, trusting that the outside will naturally follow. It takes more time than simply conforming. And that is time that some Christians may not wish to take. This kind of a change in your life requires time spend transforming yourself to what God intended you to be on the inside. It won’t just happen over night. So we must be patient.
A second challenge of this kind of measure is that this measure is often seen only b the LORD. We see each other only for a short time each week. It is easy to “put on a front,” or to pretend to be something that we are not. But the Lord sees us as we really are! On the other hand, Christians who may seem to be “weak” when we are together may be extremely “strong” when we are apart, and vise versa.
Now, the purpose in discussing the true measure of a Christian this evening has NOT been so that we can go around and judge others. Rather, its intended purpose was to suggest caution in how we measure others, and ourselves. It was designed to make sure that we are properly measuring our own selves.
Now, before we close this evening, does anyone have anything that they would like to add that concerns what we have discussed this evening?
Well, if there is nothing else, let me end with one last caution. Keep these things in mind as you try and change the way that you measure yourself to determine how strong of a Christian you are. Do not measure yourself or others in the ways that we are use to, instead, measure by taking a good look at scripture. And when you do that, remember the challenges to that. One, it takes time, and second, only God can see the heart of a person. And always remember our main text from this evening. And let’s be sure the “measure” by which we examine ourselves is the same one used by the Lord!
I Samuel 16:6-7 says, “1”
Let’s Pray!