The Word Of God

Good morning

Occasionally I like to play a game to help the kids to understand the importance of the lesson or to make a point during the lesson.  And that is what I would like to do this morning.  What I am going to do is give the first part of something, and I want you to finish it out loud when I stop.  Ok here we go:

Give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of that “KIT KAT BAR”

I can’t believe its not “BUTTER”

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall, “HUMPTY DUMPTY HAD A GREAT FALL”

Twinkle, twinkle little star “HOW I WONDER WHAT YOU ARE”

This little light of mine, “I’M GONE A LET IT SHINE”

Jesus loves me this I know, “FOR THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO”

An apple a day, “KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY”

The early bird, “GETS THE WORM”

For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son, “SO THAT WHOEVER BELIEVS IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE (JOHN 3:16)”

Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, “BUT THE SON OF MAN HAS NO PLACE TO LAY HIS HEAD (LUKE 9:58)”

How can a young man keep his way pure?  “BY LIVING ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD. (PSALMS 119:9)”


Now for most of us it was easy to remember a song or commercial or even unimportant things such as nursery rhymes and wise sayings.  But when it came to the Bible many of us are lacking in that area of obedience.


What is interesting is that even when we go to church many of us take for granted that the scripture is going to be read to us, or that the verses will show up on the screen.  However that is something that we should not take for granted.  In fact in I Timothy 4:14 it says, “Carry God’s words with you always, I will say it again, carry this book with you always so that you can stand strong under all situations.”


This verse makes it very obvious that we are to carry these words with us.  Yet we make the mistake and do not bring it with us to church all of the time.  Let me tell you one reason why you should be bringing your Bible to church with you.  That verse that I just read, I made it up, but if you didn’t bring your Bible and if you didn’t take the time to look it up and read it with me, then you could walk out of here believing whatever I wanted you to believe. 


Now I am not saying that the point this morning is that you need to bring your Bible to church, though that is a valid point that we should all listen to.  Nor am I saying that you cannot believe ministers.  My point this morning is that we need to be into the Word of God.  The last two weeks we hit on the idea of temptation, and each week we discussed the fact that the Word of God was a great tool to use against the devil.  Today I want to take a deeper look and narrow down onto the Word of God.

This amazing book contains 6000 years of recorded history.  It’s not just one book, it is a collection of many books, written by many authors, authors that were working under the inspiration of God.  However those many books make one book, a book that we believe was preserved for us by God for instruction, information, and edification.  And that is the reason that it is so important that we, as believers, are getting into this book and reading it and digesting it.


Now when I first think of the Word of God I have three things that pop into my mind of what the Word of God is to me.  The first thing that I think the Word of God is, is a light or a lamp.  In Psalms 119:105 it mentions this aspect of the Word of God.  In Psalms 119:105 it says, “1”


Now the key here is that a lamp and a light are both always involving the removal of darkness.  This allows us to remove darkness and be able to see.  There was a neighborhood where everyone knew everyone and they were all really friendly to on another.  However there was that one old man who didn’t talk to anyone.  He was sort of the creepy type of guy.  But he had the biggest pool in the whole town.  So a group of boys decided that the next time the old man left to go out of town for the weekend that they would go for a swim.  Well a couple of weeks went by and the old man left to go out of town.  The boys all raced that night, so that they would not be seen by their parent and climbed the fence to take a swim.  Well most of the boys started to climb up the latter to the diving board.  It was one of those high dive diving boards.  However one of the boys decided that he would just slide into the water first from the side to get used to the water.

As he sat down at the side of the pool and put his legs in, he noticed something.  But before he could say anything one of his buddies yelled cannon ball, and jumped in.  A hard thud was head.  Without the light, the boys did not notice that the old man had drained his pool for the time that he was gone.


This is the same way we are.  We do not use the Word of God as a light to our paths and we take a high dive into what we cannot see.  When there is no light it is hard to walk around without bumping into things, and from the story, it is also very dangerous. 


The second aspect that the Word of God takes on is God Himself.  John 1:1 tells us about God being the Word.  Here in John 1:1 it says, “2”


How neat is it to think about this.  When we are reading the Bible we are actually looking right into God.  We are looking at the one who created us, and the one who gives us everything that we have.  I think that is pretty amazing.  Another neat thing to look at is the fact that everything in the Bible is there because God wanted it to be there and be a part of Him.  I mentioned earlier that the writers were inspired by God, well in II Timothy 3:16 we read about that fact.  In II Timothy 3:16 it says, “3”


Everything is God-Breathed.  Some versions even go as far as to say that it is inspired by God.  Why would we not want to read what we believe in.


The third form that I see the Word of God take is a sword.  Ephesians 6:17 says it best.  In Ephesians 6:17 it says, “4”


Now in this section that this verse comes from it is talking about the armor of God.  This is the stuff that we need when we go to battle.  That is what we looked at the past two weeks is how the Word of God is a weapon to use against temptation.  It is the sword, the main offensive and defensive weapon that we have.


We are at battle everyday with things like raising a good family, how to lose weight or take care of our bodies, how to have a happy marriage, having good friends, how to succeed at work, and how to handle stress and anger issues.


We spend millions of dollars each year on self-help books, therapy, and counseling professionals.  The media is full of shows that try to give advice on these issues.  Yet the only thing that we need to reach for is the Bible.  It deals with all of this stuff.  It was applicable when it was written, it is applicable now, and it will always be applicable.


As Christians we are also in battles with the devil almost everyday.  And the Bible is our weapon.  Now just as in modern war machines such as tanks, plains, guns, bombs, and other weapons that we use, in order to use it properly and most effectively we must first know it.  The only way we will get to know it is if we start reading it.


In Washington D.C. there is a building called the “National Institute of Standards and Technology.” This facility is responsible for storing perfect samples of weights and measurements.  They have what are called “prototypes” of pound weights and measuring rods.  For example, they have a “Meter Standard”.  When they want to know the exact measurement of a meter they cool a bar down and bring it out and they know the exact tip to tip measurement of a meter.


As Christians we too have a measuring rod that never changes.  Once again II Timothy 3:16-17 tells us, “3”


This measuring rod of God’s does a few great things for us.  It teaches us, it rebukes us, it corrects us, and it trains us in righteousness.  A big key here is that we were given the Word of God to change us.  In fact in John 17:17 it says, “Sanctify them by your word…” 


In other words what it is saying is change them, mold them, remake them by the scripture.


Years ago the State of Kentucky had a law that every classroom in its public schools had to post the 10 Commandments.  The Supreme Court ruled against the state of Kentucky ordering them to take down all copies of the 10 Commandments from the walls of its schools saying, “Having the commandments on the wall may induce a student to read, meditate upon it, and actually obey what is written.”


In other words what the Supreme Court of the United States was saying was that they recognize that the Word of God had the ability to transform the character of those who read it. 


The Word of God is essential in the life of anyone who claims to be a Christian.  This is because the Bible first of all tells us how to become a Christian, and then how to follow Jesus in our everyday living.


One of the main goals of the Word of God is to help us mature in our relationship with Christ. 


Now a big complaint that I always here is that the Bible is too difficult to understand.  Well when reading through the first bible that I had I would agree.  Some of the stuff in there was difficult to understand and most of the wording I did not know.  But let me tell you, there are many translations out there, there has to be one for each of you.  As a college student I am exposed to many versions of the bible.  So I decided that I would bring my backpack with me this morning.


This first book that I have is the Children’s Bible- this bible goes through the all of the scripture just the same as any other.  However this bible is full of colorful pictures and is reworded so that it is easy for the children to understand.


The next bible that I have is the one- year bible- this bible is set up so that a reader can go through the entire bible in just one year.  This bible can be bought in any translation for the convenience of whoever is reading it.


Third I have the New American Standard Study Bible- in this bible the text is fairly easy to read and understand.  Also at the bottom of each page are footnotes that will give you related reading and further explain each of the passages.  It explains every verse in detail in this section.  Also there are charts and maps to aid in assisting the reader to understand the information better. 


Of course you have the King James and the New King James- these bible are a little harder for me to understand.  Reading from these bibles I tend to get distracted and do not read as well with them.


The version that I like to use is the New International Version.  This bible is simple to read and comprehend, and it is very accurate to the original text.


For the teens, there are teen study bibles, and teen devotional bibles. There are many other versions of the bible such as the New Living Translation, there is a new one called the Message, and it is written in modern words and seems like it was written just yesterday with the language that it uses.



Another bible that I have is called the Serendipity Bible.  Now this particular one that I have is in the New International Version.  Bu anyway it provided questions that get your mind started, then it asks questions that you will find the answer in the scripture, and finally it asks questions that are application questions.


For these questions you have to apply the scripture to your life and answer personally.

Now the final book that I have is one of my favorite books.  Now it is not a bible, but it helps me to understand the bible better.  It is called The Bible For Blockheads.  And in this book it goes through the bible explaining each book, and making it easier to grasp the concepts from the bible.  It provides great information about each writer, recipient, and the importance of what it is talking about both then and now.  It is by far one of the greatest tools for me to understanding the bible better.


Now these are just a few, and there are many others.  Now I mention these to you so that you can be getting a bible that fits you.  I do not know what level you are at in understanding the bible, but I do know that there is a bible out there that is for you.  You may be in your 50’s and the best bible that you can understand might be a children’s bible.  I don’t think that God is going to care about an adult reading a children’s bible so that they can understand it.  However, I do think He does care if we are not reading his word at all.  There are even CD’s with the Bible read on them so that you can listen to the bible on a CD or even on a tape.  There really is no excuse.


It is very important that we get into the Word of God. 

In closing I would like to share a poem that I found.  It deals with a book that is in most everyone’s home and it is a book that we all read even as Christians.  Here is the poem,


On the table side by side

A Holy Bible and the TV Guide

One is well worn but cherished with pride

Not the Bible, but the TV Guide

One is used daily to help folks decide

No!  It isn’t the Bible, It’s the TV Guide

As pages are turned, what shall they see?

Oh, what does it matter, just turn on the TV

So they open the book in which they confide

No, not the bible, it’s the TV Guide


Now I am not suggesting that we all throw away the TV Guide.  I mean it to ask you if you refer to your bible as much as you do the TV Guide.  The poem goes on to say:








The Word of God is seldom read

Maybe a verse ere they fall into bed

Exhausted and sleepy and tired as can be

Not from reading the Bible, but from watching TV

So, then back to the table, side by side

Is the Holy Bible and the TV Guide

No time for prayer, no time for the Word

The plan of salvation is seldom heard

Forgiveness of sin so full and free

Is found in the Bible, and not on TV!


What is it in our lives that take the place of reading our Bible.  Whatever it is, I urge you to put it aside and get back into the Word.  It is the only way to know our God, Learn From Him, and Draw Closer to Him.


In I Timothy 4:13 it says, “5”


Let’s Pray




About Me:
I am a 2006 graduate from Kentucky
Christian University with a major in
Preaching, and a minor in Youth
Ministry. It was in college that I met,
fell in love with, and eventually
married my best friend, and now
my wife, Nellie. I am currently
serving as the Senior Minister of
the Fly Branch Church of Christ in
Vanceburg Kentucky, where I have
been for the past five adn a half
years. I began my ministry at Fly
Branch as the Youth Minister in my
second year of College. After a
short time there became the need
for me to fill the Senior Ministry
position, and God blessed me to be
able to do that. Ever since then, I
have been preaching God’s word
both to the adults, and with the
assistance of my wife, to the youth
as well. My future plans are to follow
God in whatever direction He leads
me and my family.
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