
Good morning.  As we begin today, we are going to look at a topic that is so very important to the life of Christians.  It is a topic that has many great results, but saddening statistics.  In the life of the church here, it is a topic that has recently produced results.  So, what is that topic?  It is the topic of Prayer.


As we are discussing prayer today, let’s begin with a word of prayer.  Let’s Pray

As I said, prayer can have great results in people’s lives, but the statistics on prayer are rather saddening.  John Caldwell did a survey of Kingsway Christian Church in Indiana.  Here are the results. 

Only 4.4% of the people of in the church spent time in prayer for 30 minutes or more in a day.  54% of the people admitted that they prayed for less than 5 minutes a day.


I think that the reason people do not spend more time in prayer is because they treat God and prayer in the same way they do a lawyer.  They only go to Him when they are in trouble.  Prayer is not a thing to use only in times of trouble.  In I Thessalonians 5:17 it says, “Pray continually.”  It doesn’t say pray when in trouble.  It says pray continually.


Now I’m not here this morning to tell you that you need to be in prayer for 45 minutes ever day.  What I am here to talk about is the idea that we should be in prayer for more time than what we are.


You see, prayer is an important (actually vital) component of a Christian’s life.  Prayer is how we communicate with God.  All of our communication with God is a form of prayer.  That’s how big and important the issue of prayer really is.


Now, there are several passages throughout scripture that Jesus says “When you pray, as you pry, in your prayers,” and some other sayings that show us that God expects us to pray.


Before we go on with the idea of prayer, let’s look at how effective it is.  If you guys can remember back a couple of weeks ago, we were having no luck in finding a youth minister.  As we finished the series on becoming a purpose driven church we discussed adding staff on purpose.  For this we took time during the service and I asked that you would spend some time in prayer concerning this issue in finding someone to help with the youth.  This past Monday, within 5 minutes of each other I had 2 guys that are well qualified for the position talk to me with interest in the position.  Tonight one of them is suppose to be here and next week the other is going to come and visit with us.

God answers prayers.  We didn’t know who and we were searching for this person and I believe that God gave us the answer.  In Jeremiah 33:3 it tells us something about that.  Here in Jeremiah 33:3 it says, “1”


God revealed these things to us, only after we called to Him for the help.  Now that is power in prayer.


Have you ever thought about your prayer life?  Have you ever examined it and wished that you could be better at communicating with God?  Have you ever just felt like there were times when your prayers were just hitting the ceiling and bouncing right back down?  I wonder if you’ve ever stopped to consider whether there is any power in your prayers?

I read about a small Oklahoma town that had 2 churches and 1 Brewery.  Members of both churches complained that the brewery was giving the community a bad image.  And to make matters worse the owner of the brewery was an out spoken atheist.  He didn’t believe in God one bit.  The church people had tried unsuccessfully for years to shut down the brewery.  So finally they decided to hold a joint Saturday night prayer meeting.  They were going to ask God to intervene and settle the matter.

The church folks gathered on Saturday night and there was a horrible thunderstorm raging outside and to the delight of the church members lightening hit that old brewery and it burned to the ground. 


The next morning the sermons that were preached in both churches were on the power of prayer.

But the insurance adjusters promptly notified the brewery owner that they were not going to pay for the damages because the fire was an act of God and that was an exclusion in the policy. 

The brewery owner was furious and he sued both churches claiming that they had conspired with God to destroy his business.  But the churches denied that they had anything to do with the cause of the fire.

The presiding judge opened the trial with theses words, “I find one thing in this case most perplexing.  We have a situation here where the plaintiff, an atheist is professing his belief in the power of prayer, and the defendants all faithful church members are denying the very same power.”

It seems that sometimes as Christians we pray asking God to do certain things, either in our life or the lives of others, only to be totally surprised when God answers our prayers.  So where do we start if it is our goal to establish a legitimate communication with God?  The bookstores are full of books that are aimed at leading one into a prayer relationship with God?  I can relate to Lee Strobel when he said, and I quote, “I treated prayer as if it were a spiritual smorgasbord.  I took a little of this authors ideas, a bit of advise from other pastors sermons, and applied some miscellaneous Bible verses.”  We can find all too many sources that would attempt to lead us into an intimate prayer life with God but what can best describe to us the principles of proper prayer better than the Bible itself? 

If we will listen to it, the pathway to powerful prayer will be revealed to us.

What do you seek God to do in your prayer?  So many times we are guilty of saying, "God supply my needs",  "God supply my wants",  "God make things turn out the way I want them to".  When we pray do we even expect God to answer us.

Someone once said, “Pray and doubt, you will do without.  Pray and believe, you will humbly receive.”  Turn with me to the book of James in the 1 chapter at verses 5-8.  In here in this passage we see this principle of believing in God to give us the things that we ask of Him.  Here in James 1:5-8 James writes, “2”


When we doubt the power of prayer, we will probably not receive what we have asked.  Billy Graham once said, “Heaven is full of answers to prayers for which no one ever bothered to ask.”  I believe that Heaven is full of answers to prayers that the person praying didn’t believe in the power of prayer as well.


There are 667 prayers recorded in the Bible, and the answers to 454 of them are recorded as well.  When we believe in what we ask, God will answer our prayers in some way.  The way that God answers our prayers may not be in the way that we ask, but it is in the way that fulfills His will.


When God answers prayers He answers with 1 of 3 answers.  He will either say YES, NO, or WAIT.  Let’s look at each of these answers.


First He may answer with yes.  Turn with me to Judges 16 at this time.  Now I’m sure we all know the story of Samson and Delilah.  Here is the short version of that.  Delilah sold out Samson and the Philistines were able to take advantage of his weakness and capture him.  They tortured him and made fun of him.  And that is where we are in the story.  In Judges 16 starting in verse 23 it says, “3”

You see Samson had lost his strength as was unable to fight back.  He prayed to God and his prayers were answered with the answer of yes.  You see, what he was praying for was part of God’s will and therefore God said yes.


God appeared to Solomon in II Chronicles 1:7 and told him that he could ask for anything he wanted.  Most of us, if put in that position, would have asked for things that would be beneficial to us but because Solomon was in the will of God, he ask for something that would help others.  He asked for wisdom to lead God’s people into His will.

You and I will find that our desires dwindle, as the Fathers will is exercised.  Our prayers will be answered if we seek His will.  It is then that we can ask God to provide for our needs and be totally assured that He will do so.  After the wisdom of God was given to Solomon so were the added blessings of God.  Do it with the right attitude and do it with all expectancy and God will answer it.


Now the second way that God can answer us is with the answer of wait.  Now what do I mean by wait?  Sometimes we pray for something and at that time, it is not in God’s will, but it will be in the future.  In these cases God tells us to wait. 


For example, we may pray that God heals someone, or that He would help us with something.  By having us wait, He is probably trying to teach us an important lesson.  Rather than complaining, we need to listen to what it is that He wants us to learn.


Other times, it may just not be the right time for us to have what we ask for.  He is not telling us no, He is telling us yes, but that we have to wait.


When I think of this I can’t help but think of the story about Lazarus.  In John 11:1-16 we see that Lazarus is very sick and they send word to Jesus asking Him to come and help.  Jesus doesn’t say no, He instead waits a few days and then begins travel to Lazarus.


In verses 17-37 Jesus comforts the sisters of Lazarus and asks if they believe that He has the power to raise the dead.  In that passage they are not sure why Jesus waited so long to come, when He could have acted when they asked Him to and Lazarus would not have died.


Then we come to the good part in verses 38-44.  Here in John 11:38-44 it says, “5”

You see, Jesus simply wanted them to wait for the answer to what they wanted.  In this way He was able to show His power and His authority over death itself. 


Had He answered right away, it would not have been such a miracle and not as many people would have believed.  He wanted to teach them something, and it wasn’t the time for what they asked.  Many times it is the same way with us.  He wants to teach us something, or it simply isn’t the right time for what we ask.


Now the final way that God answers prayers is with the answer of no.  In James 4:3 it says, “When you ask, you do not receive because you ask with wrong motives.”  Sometimes what we ask for is not in God’s will at all.  Many times when we get the answer no, it is because we ask for the wrong things or for the wrong reasons.

If God would answer His own Son with a no, what makes you think you deserve a yes.  Look with me at Matthew 26:39.  Here in this verse we see that even Jesus got a no as an answer to one of His prayers.  Here in Matthew 26:39 it says, “5”


Now we know from the rest of the story that what Jesus prayed was not answered.  Why, because it was not part of what God’s will is.  His perfect and pleasing will.


So, those are the ways that God answers our prayers.  Now you may say, “but it is hard for me to pray and that you don’t know how to pray.  Mother Teresa once said, “The more you pray, the easier it becomes.  The easier it becomes, the more you will pray.”  The best way to figure out prayer, is to simply pray.


In II Colossians 4:2 it says, “Devote yourselves to prayer.”  Make it such a habit that you are always in prayer.  By praying it becomes easier, and the easier it is the more you will pray.


Perhaps you have trouble knowing what to pray for.  Well, you can pray for anything, but I have a formula for you.


Begin your prayer by praising God.  Address Him and then thank Him and praise Him.  After that, simply look at your hand and remember what I am about to tell you.

First, your thumb is nearest to you.  So, begin with praying for those that are closest to you.  They are the easiest to pray for.  They are your loved ones.  Husbands, wives, parents, children, and friends.  To pray for our loved ones is as C.S. Lewis once said, a “sweet duty.”


Second, the next finger is the pointing finger.  Remember to pray for those who teach, instruct, and heal.  This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers.  They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction.  Keep them in your prayers.


Third, your middle finger is the tallest finger.  It reminds us of our leaders.  Pray for the president, leaders in businesses, and the leadership of our churches.  These people shape our nation and our communities and our churches.  They need God’s guidance, so pray for them as well.


Fourth, the next finger is our ring finger.  Surprising to many is the fact that this is our weakest finger, as many piano teachers would agree.  It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble, or in pain.  They need your prayers day and night.  You cannot pray too much for them.


Fifth, and finally is our little finger.  The smallest finger of all, which is were we should place ourselves in relation to God and to others.  As the Bible says, “The least shall be the greatest among you.”  Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself.

Now by the time you have prayed for the other 4 groups of people, your own needs will be put into the proper perspective.


In closing, prayer is not only very effective, but it is very comforting as well.  To know that you are talking to God, and at times that others are talking to God on your behalf, it is very comforting.  Listen to the story that is simply called The Empty Chair.

A man’s daughter had asked the local pastor to come and pray with her father.  When the pastor arrived, he found the man lying in bed with his head propped up on two pillows and an empty chair beside his bed.  The pastor assumed that the old fellow had been informed of his visit.  "I guess you were expecting me," he said.  "No, who are you?"

"I’m the new pastor at your local church," the pastor replied.  "When I saw the empty chair, I figured you knew I was going to show up."
"Oh yeah, the chair," said the bedridden man.  "Would you mind closing the door?"
Puzzled, the pastor shut the door.  "I’ve never told anyone this, not even my daughter," said the man.  "But all of my life I have never known how to pray.  At church I used to hear the pastor talk about prayer, but it always went right over my head."

“I abandoned any attempt at prayer," the old man continued, "until one day about four years ago my best friend said to me, "Joe, prayer is just a simple matter of having a conversation with Jesus.  Here’s what I suggest.  Sit down on a chair, place an empty chair in front of you, and in faith see Jesus on the chair. 

It’s not spooky because he promised, "I’ll be with you always."  Then just speak to him and listen in the same way you’re doing with me right now."

"So, I tried it and I’ve liked it so much that I do it a couple of hours every day.  I’m careful, though.  If my daughter saw me talking to an empty chair, she’d either have a nervous breakdown or send me off to the funny farm."

The pastor was deeply moved by the story and encouraged the old man to continue on the journey.  Then he prayed with him, and returned to the church.  2 nights later the daughter called to tell the pastor that her daddy had died that afternoon.  "Did he seem to die in peace?" he asked.

"Yes, when I left the house around 2 o’clock, he called me over to his bedside, told me one of his silly jokes, and kissed me on the cheek.  When I got back from the store an hour later, I found him dead.  But there was something strange.  In fact, beyond strange--kind of weird.  Apparently, just before Daddy died, he leaned over and rested his head on a chair beside the bed."

The power of prayer is also a comforting part of the Christian life.


Let’s Pray

About Me:
I am a 2006 graduate from Kentucky
Christian University with a major in
Preaching, and a minor in Youth
Ministry. It was in college that I met,
fell in love with, and eventually
married my best friend, and now
my wife, Nellie. I am currently
serving as the Senior Minister of
the Fly Branch Church of Christ in
Vanceburg Kentucky, where I have
been for the past five adn a half
years. I began my ministry at Fly
Branch as the Youth Minister in my
second year of College. After a
short time there became the need
for me to fill the Senior Ministry
position, and God blessed me to be
able to do that. Ever since then, I
have been preaching God’s word
both to the adults, and with the
assistance of my wife, to the youth
as well. My future plans are to follow
God in whatever direction He leads
me and my family.
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