Luke Chapters 10-11

Good evening.  Tonight we are going to be continuing in our study of the book of Luke.  This evening, we will be looking at Luke chapters 10-11.  But, before we begin, let’s open with a word of prayer.  Pray!


If you had to sell something door to door, what would it be, and why?


Well, in this first section of chapter 10, we see that Jesus appointed people to take His message and share it with others.  In a way, they were going door to door selling God’s message.  So, whoever has the first key, go ahead and read that for us.  (READ 10:1-24)


Why does He send the disciples out 2 by 2?

What was the purpose of traveling light?

What is the reason for the urgency in spreading the word around?

What do you know about Sodom?

What does that tell you about these groups that don’t listen to the message?

Consider verse 23.  Do you think the disciples appreciate the privilege of being with Jesus?


How do you feel about the Harvest here in Vanceburg?  Are people ripe for God?

What does verse 22 tell you about people who claim to know God without Jesus?

Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we move on?


Well, if there is nothing else, we will move on to our next section of chapter 10.  Here in this section, we are looking at The Parable Of The Good Samaritan.  Before we look at that story though, have you ever helped a stranger in distress?  If so, what happened?


Well, whoever has the next key, go ahead and read that passage for us. (READ 10:25-37)


If you had been traveling and seen this man, what would you have likely done?

What might have been some of the reasons the others didn’t stop to help?

Why did the Samaritan, who was hated by the Jews, stop and help this man?

How does this parable answer the question, “Who is my neighbor?”?

What is your general reaction when someone on the streets is asking for a handout?

How can you be a Good Samaritan to someone in need?

Does anyone have anything that they would like to add?


Well, if that is all, we will get ready to finish this last section to chapter 10.  Before we look at that story, what is your top “to do” list when preparing for company?


Well, in this next section, we see someone who is too distracted with their “to do” list, that they forget that Jesus is right there in their living room.  This is a small section, and so I will go ahead and read that passage.  (READ 10:38-42)


Its amazing that you can have 2 totally different personalities in the same family, but that seems to be the case in this Bible story.  The scene is the home of sisters Martha and Mary, and their brother Lazarus, whom Jesus would later raise form the dead.  It seems that Jesus spent some time in their home.  And it was during His visit that this happens.


How do these 2 sisters differ?

Is Mary’s choice better?

If Jesus stopped by your house this evening, what might He say to you?

Jesus said that Martha was worried and upset about man things.  What are you worried or upset about in your life right now?


At this time, allow me to read for you what the commentary had to say about chapter 10.  It says, (READ COMMENTARY)


Now, before we move on to chapter 11, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?


Well, if there is nothing else, we will go ahead and take a look at our fist section to chapter 11.  And as we do that, what are some of the funnies prayers that you have heard people say?


Well, in this passage, Jesus is teaching His disciples how to pray.  Whoever has the next key, go ahead and read that for us please.  (READ 11:1-13)

What motivates the disciples to ask Jesus about prayer?

What does that parable in verses 5-8 teach about prayer? (Boldness & Persistence)

What do verses 9-10 illustrate?

What do verses 11-13 teach us? (God will give us good gifts)

How do you usually pray?  At a set time?  A set place?  Or is it spontaneous?

Does anyone have anything else to add before we move on?


Well, if that is all, we will take a look at the next section.  Whoever has the next section, go ahead and read that for us please.  (READ 11:14-36)


How does the crowd react to Jesus’ miracles?

How does Jesus show the foolishness of their claim?

Why does Jesus turn around the blessing shouted to Him in verse 27?  What is the emphasis?


Why is Jesus upset about this generation?

What is Jesus’ point in verse 32?

What can we learn from verses 33-36?

Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we move on?


Well, if there is nothing else, we will go ahead and finish the last section of chapter 11.  In fact, whoever has that key, go ahead and read that for us please.  (READ 11:37-54)


What is the meaning behind each of these woes:

            Verse 42?

            Verse 43?

            Verse 44?

            Verse 46?

            Verse 47?

            Verse 52?


At this time, allow me to read for you what the commentary had to say to us about chapter 11.  It says, (READ COMMENTARY)


Now, before we close this evening, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?


Well, if that is all, for next week, we will be looking at chapters 12 and 13.


Announcements/Prayer Concerns


Closing Prayer!


About Me:
I am a 2006 graduate from Kentucky
Christian University with a major in
Preaching, and a minor in Youth
Ministry. It was in college that I met,
fell in love with, and eventually
married my best friend, and now
my wife, Nellie. I am currently
serving as the Senior Minister of
the Fly Branch Church of Christ in
Vanceburg Kentucky, where I have
been for the past five adn a half
years. I began my ministry at Fly
Branch as the Youth Minister in my
second year of College. After a
short time there became the need
for me to fill the Senior Ministry
position, and God blessed me to be
able to do that. Ever since then, I
have been preaching God’s word
both to the adults, and with the
assistance of my wife, to the youth
as well. My future plans are to follow
God in whatever direction He leads
me and my family.
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