As we continue our study of the book of Luke, we will be moving on and taking a look at chapters 3 and 4 tonight as well.
Now, before we look at this next passage, what is the most unusual religious service that you have ever attended? (Kids had a lesson on baptism standing in the middle of the Scioto River)
Well, as we take a look at this first part of chapter 3, we see John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus. Whoever has the next key, go ahead and read that for us please. (READ 3:1-20)
Why does Luke mention all the political and religious figures of the time to start?
How would you describe John’s message and style? (Harsh, vipers, to the point)
What does the wheat and the chaff represent?
What is the beginning of the end for John’s ministry?
If you asked John, “What should I do?” what would he tell you?
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we move on?
Well, if there is nothing else, we will go ahead and take a look at the rest of chapter 3. And whoever has the next key, go ahead and read that. (READ 3:21-38)
What is significant about Jesus being baptized at the same time and in the same way as the rest of the people?
What 3 things happened at Jesus’ baptism that are unlike our baptism?
Well, at this time, allow me to read for you what the commentary had to say about chapter 3. It says, (READ COMMENTARY)
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well, if that is all, we will go ahead and move on to chapter 4. As we start, what is one of you all time favorite foods?
Well, as we take a look at the first section of chapter 4, we see Jesus being tempted with food. Whoever has the next key, go ahead and read that. (READ 4:1-13)
Under what circumstances was Jesus tempted? (after spiritual high, at weak moment, new stage in life)
In each temptation, what was the appeal?
How does Jesus resist them?
How does Satan’s use of scripture differ from the way Jesus uses it?
If the devil had 3 shots at you, what would he tempt you with?
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we move on?
Well, if there is nothing else, we will move on to the next section of chapter 4. Though Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem, He grew up in the town of Nazareth in Galilee. Now, early in His ministry, Jesus shows up at the synagogue in Nazareth. Whoever has the next key, go ahead and read that for us please. (READ 4:14-30)
Why did the people in Nazareth have a problem accepting Jesus? (they knew Him)
What was it that Jesus said that turned the people’s amazement to anger?
How do you generally deal with feeling of rejection?
Does anyone have anything to add?
Well, if there is nothing else, we will take a look at the last section to chapter 4. In fact, whoever has that last key, go ahead and read that. (READ 4:31-44)
What strikes you most about the behavior of the evil spirits? (know who Jesus is)
Why does Jesus find it necessary to retreat?
What pressures is He facing?
What are His priorities?
At this time, allow me to read for you what the commentary had to say about chapter 4. It says, (READ COMMENTARY)
Now, before we close this evening, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well, if that is all, for next week, we will be looking at chapters 5, 6, and possibly chapter 7. Announcements/Prayer Concerns Let’s Pray!