Good evening. Tonight we are going to continue to take a look at the book of Luke. Thus far, we have studied chapters 1 through 5, and tonight, we will be discussing chapters 6 and 7. Before we do that though, let’s begin with a word of prayer.
Perhaps as a child, or maybe now, what rules did or do you find unnecessary?
Well, in this first section of chapter 6, we are reading about the Sabbath, and some of the rules that the Pharisees had placed on what could and could not be done on that day. So, whoever has the first key, go ahead and read that for us please. (READ 6:1-11)
What is the main issue here for the Pharisees?
How does Jesus clarify the Sabbath issue?
Why does Jesus further provoke the Pharisees by healing the man’s hand?
Does anyone have anything else that they would like to ad before we move on?
Well, if there is nothing else, we will move on and take a look at our next section. Next, we are reading about Jesus closest 12, and then we see what Jesus has to say about some blessings and woes. So, whoever has the next key, go ahead. (READ 6:12-26)
What is the difference between the disciples, and the apostles?
How would you define some of these blessings and woes?
Are these present blessings, or future ones?
How would the values that Jesus talks about here compare with the values you are sold every day on TV and in the news?
Now, before we move on, does anyone have anything else to add?
Well, if that is all, we will go ahead and move on. In this next section of chapter 6, we are reading about how we should treat our enemies. Whoever has the next key, go ahead and read that for us please. (READ 6:27-36)
What is it that Jesus tells us to do to our enemies?
Since applying verses 29-30 literally could reinforce someone’s bad behavior, what is Jesus’ point here?
How does this description of love challenge you?
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well, if that is all, let’s go ahead and finish up chapter 6. As we approach this section, let me ask you a question. Would you rather be a movie director, or a movie critic? Why?
Well, in this last section of chapter 6, we are reading about judging other, a tree and its fruit, and the wise and foolish builders. So, whoever has that next key, go ahead and read that please. (READ 6:37-49)
What is the point of the speck and the plank?
How does a tree and its fruit help to recognize a person?
What do we learn about the two builders?
At this time, allow me to read for you what the commentary had to say about chapter 6 as a whole. It said, (READ COMMENTARY)
Now, does anyone have anything that they would like to add before we move on?
Well, if there is nothing else, we will go ahead and take a look at chapter 7 tonight as well. And as we do that, let’s go ahead and jump right into that. Whoever has the next key, go ahead and read that for us please. (READ 7:1-17)
Describe the faith of the centurion in this story?
On what basis did the elders request Jesus’ help?
Why did Jesus perform the miracle of raising this widow’s son?
What impact did this miracle have on the other people around?
How does Jesus’ power over death affect the way you live you life?
Does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well, if that is all, we will move on to the next section. In this next section, we are reading about John the Baptist trying to see if Jesus was the one that was to come. Whoever has that next key, go ahead and read that please. (READ 7:18-35)
How does John get his information about Jesus?
Why didn’t John just go and see Jesus for himself? (3:20)
How does Jesus answer John’s question?
What did Jesus think of John? (v. 28)
Before we move on, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well, if there is nothing else, let’s go ahead and dive into our last section for this evening. Whoever has that last key, go ahead and finish things up. (READ 7:36-50)
Well, we read that this woman had lived a sinful life and felt a great deal of shame. Yet she longed for God’s forgiveness. Jesus shows her great compassion and mercy despite her past mistakes.
What risk was this woman taking in order to come and see Jesus?
Why do you think she came?
What is your impression of Simon?
What was Jesus’ purpose in telling that little parable?
What does Jesus see in this woman that Simon did not?
Who do you think was the greater sinner, the woman, or Simon? Why?
What have you learned form this story that you could apply to your life?
At this time, let me go ahead and read what the commentary had to say. It says, (READ COMMENTARY)
Now, before we close this evening, does anyone have anything that they would like to add?
Well, if there is nothing else, for next week, we will be taking a look at chapters 8 and 9.
Announcements/Prayer Concerns
Closing Prayer!